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Yan might ha thowt yo'd be fer cuttin yor throat, if yo' didn't get her doon here. What art tha thinkin of, lad? She'll never marry tha! She doan't belong to us and there's noa undoin it." Hubert made no reply, but unconsciously his muscular frame took a passionate rigidity; his face became set and obstinate. "Well, you keep watch," he said. "You'll see I'll make it worth your while."

But aa've no time to goa chatterin' at doors wi' yoong women; soa if yo'll juist gie me yor business, I'll tell Muster Faversham, when he's got time to see to 't." "It's not Mr. Faversham I want to see it's Mr. Melrose. Mrs. Dixon, don't you remember me?" Mrs. Dixon stepped back in puzzled annoyance, so as to let a light from the passage shine upon the stranger's face. She stood motionless.

'I've naw time scrubbin-days to be foolin about wi things out o' hours. I've nobbut just got straight and cleaned mysel. They can sit down and warm theirsels. I conno say they feature ony of yor belongins, Reuben. And she went to put Louie on the settle by the fire. But as the tall woman in black approached her, the child hit out madly with her small fists and burst into a loud howl of crying.

He had his hat and stick under his arm, and one hand held his boots, while he stepped noiselessly in his stocking feet across the room to where Louie lay 'Louie, are yo awake? The child stared up at him, seeing mostly his stubble of red hair, which came like a grotesque halo between her and the wall. Then she nodded. 'Doan't let yor aunt hear nothin, Louie. She thinks I'm gone out to th' calves.

But she sat down, and, clasping her hands round her knees, while the primroses she had stuck in her hat dangled over her defiant eyes, she looked at him with a grinning composure. 'Yo can read out if yo want to, she remarked. 'Yo doan't deserve nowt, an I shan't, said David, shortly. 'Then I'll tell Aunt Hannah about how yo let t' lambs stray lasst evenin, and about yor readin at neet.

'Sir, yo will clear me an' mak my name good wi' aw men. This I leave to yo. Mr. Gradgrind was troubled and asked how? 'Sir, was the reply: 'yor son will tell yo how. Ask him. I mak no charges: I leave none ahint me: not a single word. I ha' seen an' spok'n wi' yor son, one night. I ask no more o' yo than that yo clear me an' I trust to yo to do 't.

If thay cant git thay ize opn thayselfs why aint I good tu pick um opn wiv my fingus "Yor little PRUE." "What will Prue do next, I wonder?" said Randy. "The idea of thinking that because those little cats could not open their eyes, it would be a fine idea to 'pick' them open!" Randy pitied those kittens, but she could not help laughing as she thought of Prue's efforts to help them.

Yo understan when yor letter came this mornin t'mon browt it up to Louie abeawt eight o'clock she towd me fust out i' th' yard an I said to her, 'Doan't you tell yor aunt nowt abeawt it, an we'st meet at t' station. An I made soom excuse to Hannah abeawt gooin ower t' Scout after soom beeasts an an Louie an me coom thegither. He passed his other hand painfully across his brow.

But the butty as gave him work kep the public, an if yer didn't drink, yer didn't get no work. You must drink yoursel sick o Saturdays, or theer'd be no work for you o Mondays. 'Noa, yer can sit at ome, they'd say to un, 'ef yer so damned pertickler. I ast yor pardon, sir, for the bad word, but that's ow they'd say it.

Them coins, Isaac' he pointed a slow finger at Bessie, whose white, fierce face moved involuntarily 'them 'arf-crowns wor paid across the bar lasst night, or the night afore, at Dawson's, by yor wife, as is now stannin there, an she'll deny it if she can! For an instant the whole group preserved their positions the breath suspended on their lips.