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Yer pa's daid!" shivered Matty. "And the house is full of spirits. They're standin' grinnin' in the corners. I'm goin' hum now, little missy. I'm goin' to my ole man. You'd better come along fer to-night." Jinnie heard the moaning call of the pine trees as the winter's voice swept through them, the familiar sound she loved, yet at which she trembled.

An' when the ole folks goes to bed, Nance lays thar under a quilt a-watchin' an' a-listenin'. Well, Jeb knowed the premises, ef he couldn't talk, an' purty soon Nance heerd Jeb's cheer creak a leetle, an' she says, Jeb's a-comin', and Jeb was; an' Polly Ann 'lowed Jeb was jes a leetle TOO resolute an' quick-like, an' she got her hand ready to give him one lick anyways fer bein' so brigaty.

I come down here to git some more education, and pay fer it, too, in good hard money I've made sweatin' in a machine shop up there in Chicago; but if this is the kind of education I'm a-gunna git, I better go on back there. You call this a square debate, do you?" He advanced toward the chairman's platform, shaking a frantic fist.

"'Look? I says for I was fair mazed at the look of him, 'why ten years younger than ever I seed yer! "'Just so, says 'e. . . . 'It's true then! "'Wot's true, I says. "'The water of life, says he; 'I have searched for it fer years! "'Take some quinine, says I, 'and back yer goes to bed, for I'd seen fever patients that way afore.

I heerd tell about ye at the trial, but supposed ye ter be an older man." "I am twenty-six." "Ye don't look even thet. It's my notion ye got an overly hard dose this time. The Judge was in ill humor thet day. Still thet's not fer me ter talk about. It's best fer both of us ter hold our tongues. Ay, they're ready fer ye now. Fall in there all of yer. Step along, yer damn rebel scum."

An' she come into this ol' vault of a suller, an' she pointed to that ol' heap o' wood, an' she tol' me ter move it over ter that corner. An' I done so fer half an hour. An' I says to that blitherin' fool over there, who was workin' in that ol' wood-house, what the devil did she care w'ich corner the darned stuff was in?

"On the particular evening to which I refer," Captain Bannister continued, "it was suggested, by Mrs. Delaporte, I think, that we should go round to her rooms and play chemin de fer. There were five of us altogether Mr. Bundercombe, Mrs. Delaporte, myself, a Mr. Dimsdale, and the Honorable Montague Pelham, a young gentleman of the best family. When we arrived at Mrs.

Physic a man with scurvy might as well bleed a patient fer amputation." George spoke with considerable heat. Captain pulled his parka hood well down so that the fox-tails around the edge protected his features, and stepped out into the evening. He had made several such trips in the past few months to call on men smitten with the sickness, but all to no effect.

Presently he took a piece of white chalk from his belt pouch and made a mark upon the tree. "Guess you've got some p'ticlar reason fer blazin' that thar old tree," said Rube, as Kiddie strode towards the fire; "I ain't just able ter make it out, unless you're figgerin' t' have the tree cut down for timber. It's your own property, of course. You goin' ter have it felled?"

Guess he's goin' to have ye arrested right off." "Have me arrested!" Douglas exclaimed in surprise. "Why, what for?" "Fer waylayin' Billy Keezer an' Tom Oakes last night, an' breakin' their heads with a stick. They're all used up, an' Tom swears that you stole his coat." Douglas leaned back in his chair and laughed so heartily that Jake and his wife looked at him in astonishment.

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