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"Do you agree with him?" inquired Miss Newbury, with intellectual sternness. "And do you agree with Mr. Gorham?" asked Mrs. Lawford, at the same moment, caressingly. All eyes were turned on Emily Vincent, and she let hers fall. She felt that she would give worlds not to have spoken. Why had she spoken?

Ethel retreated, much alarmed at her rash measure, and when she related it she saw that Richard and Mr. Ernescliffe both thought it had been a great hazard. "Papa wants you," was a welcome sound to the ears of Richard, and brought a pink glow into his face.

However; on my representations the Senate agreed to suppress it, and it did not appear. Marshal Bernadotte, who had the command of the French troops in Hanover, kept up a friendly correspondence with me unconnected with the duties of our respective functions. On the occupation of Hanover Mr.

It means, 'inspirer of love, or some such poetry, but I don't deny that it goes with her better than Lily would." "Sh-she's a good deal of a gal, Alvy fine-appearin' gal, Alvy." "Upon my word, Jethro, I didn't know you ever looked at a woman. But I suppose you couldn't help lookin' at my gal she does seem to draw men's eyes as if she was magnetized some way." Mr.

And to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" responded the President of the Salamander, swinging around in his chair to face his visitor. "If I can take up a few minutes of your time, there are quite a number of things I'd like to say, and a few that with your permission I will." O'Connor waved his hand for the desired assent. "Go ahead," he said. "Mr.

Even if he should press matters, it was probable, he reasoned, that Trevethick had no decisive reply to give him. He had doubtless written to Mr. Whymper, and learned all that Richard had already divulged to him and no more; that is to say, that he was, though an unacknowledged offspring of the Squire, in a very different position, at all events, toward him than that of a mere natural son.

Hearing of this fearful subject for a composition quite reconciled the boys to the thought of writing about familiar things. Wednesday afternoon was appointed for the lectures, as they preferred to call them, for some chose to talk instead of write. Mr. Bhaer promised a portfolio in which the written productions should be kept, and Mrs. Bhaer said she would attend the course with great pleasure.

"Who's there?" came in nervous tones from Jesse Pelter. "A telegram for Mr. Pelter!" cried the detective, in a high-pitched, boyish voice. "Oh!" came from within; and then the key was turned in the lock, and the door was opened several inches. The next instant the detective threw his weight against the barrier, and forced it back.

Elizabeth noticed every sentence conveying the idea of uneasiness, with an attention which it had hardly received on the first perusal. Mr. Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict, gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.

His books were not likely, it seemed, to fill the breach that would be made in the fortunes of his family, were he to be suddenly removed. This, Mr. Ticknor urged, in addition to the friendly obligation which Pierce ought to be allowed to repay.

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