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Er not that they would," he added hastily "not that they would." Cynthia climbed up beside him on the haystack. "Uncle Jethro," she said solemnly, "when you make a senator or a judge, I don't interfere, do I?" He looked at her uneasily, for there were moments when he could not for the life of him make out her drift. "N-no," he assented, "of course not, Cynthy." "Why is it that I don't interfere?"

But Bob knew that Jethro hated his father, must hate him now, because of Cynthia, with a hatred given to few men to feel. He thought that Jethro would crush Mr. Worthington and ruin him if he could; and Bob believed he could. What was he to say?

Do you blame me? "It was impossible to blame her and I said so. "She then confessed the deception which she had practiced on Miss Ladd. 'I have a cousin, she said, 'who was a Miss Jethro like me. Before her marriage she had been employed as a governess. She pitied me; she sympathized with my longing to recover the character that I had lost.

Jethro was apparently quite as free from anxiety the next morning when he offered, after breakfast, to show Wetherell and Cynthia the sights of the town, though Wetherell could not but think that the Throne Room and the Truro Franchise Bill were left at a very crucial moment to take care of themselves.

Hopkins gazed at him in admiration, leaned out of the perpendicular, and promptly drew from his trousers' pocket a roll of stupendous proportions. Wetting his thumb, he began to push aside the top bills. "How much is it?" he demanded. But Jethro put up his hand. "No hurry, Alvy n-no hurry. H-Honorable Alvy Hopkins of Gosport p-patron of the theatre.

You'd ought to come down and be thar with the boys on this Truro Bill. You could reach some on 'em the rest of us couldn't git at." William Wetherell avoided a reply to this very pointed inquiry by escaping into the meeting-house, where he found Jethro and Cynthia and Ephraim already seated halfway up the aisle.

Sukey, having adjusted the last pin, became hysterical over her handiwork, Millicent Skinner stared openmouthed, words having failed her for once, and Jethro thrust his hands in his pockets in a quiet ecstasy of approbation. "A-always had a notion that cloth'd set you off, Cynthy," said he, "er next time I go to the state capital you come along g-guess it'll surprise 'em some."

Bernard though imaged by a winter Coniston troubled Jethro not at all; the thing that stuck in his mind was that Napoleon for a considerable time, at least compelled men to do his bidding. Constitutions crumble before the Strong. Not that Jethro philosophized about constitutions.

Here and there on the prairie, to a point just beyond Gabriel Druse's horizon, they had come from all parts of the world; and Jethro, reckless and defiant under the Sentence, and knowing that the chances against his life were a million to one, had determined on one bold stroke which, if it failed, would make his fate no worse, and, if it succeeded, would give him his wife and, maybe, headship over all the Romany world.

Cynthia and Ephraim knew, and Coniston guessed, that Jethro was taking care of Ephraim, and strong as was his affection for Jethro the old soldier found dependence hard to bear. He never spoke of it to Cynthia, but he used to lie and dream through the spring days of what he might have done if the war had not crippled him.

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