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When the door closed behind Harry, he looked at Chad. "There are two rebels at General Dean's house to-night," he said, quietly. "One of them, I am told -why, he must be that boy's brother," and again the General mused; then he added, sharply: "Take six good men out there right away and capture them. And watch out for Daws Dillon and his band of cut-throats. I am told he is in this region.

"Yes," she said, smiling, "you look as though you have come a long way;" and she noticed that the car was very dusty, with splashes of dried mud here and there. "You are coming to Monte Carlo with me," I said, "but you cannot travel in that dress can you? Mr. Bellingham has sent you something," I added, taking out the cardboard box.

"No, Rosy," said Lydgate, decisively. "It is too late to do that. The inventory will be begun to-morrow. Remember it is a mere security: it will make no difference: it is a temporary affair. I insist upon it that your father shall not know, unless I choose to tell him," added Lydgate, with a more peremptory emphasis.

That was the trouble, or I'd have made you a fair offer." "I don't reckon to ever sell the mill," said Collinson simply. Then observing the look of suspicion in his companion's face, he added gravely, "You see, I rigged up the whole thing when I expected my wife out from the States, and I calkilate to keep it in memory of her." Key slightly lifted his brows.

The assistance of Madame Dorval, added to the strength of the Comédie Française company, did not, however, save from failure Madame Sand's first drama, Cosima, produced, as will be remembered, in 1840. She allowed nearly a decade to elapse before again seriously competing for theatrical honors, by a second effort in a different style, and more satisfactory in its results.

"I presume you are to go of course, Elsie; we have been discussing the matter for the last three days, always taking it for granted that you were to make one of the party, and he has never said you should not," replied Adelaide, good-naturedly; "so make haste, or you will be too late. But here comes your papa now." she added, as the library door opened, and Mr.

Brenton did not wait for him to finish out the question. "No; I am not," he snapped, with a testiness that would have been a healthy mental symptom, had it not betrayed the fact that his nerves were dangerously on edge. The doctor, still watching him from above his pipe, judged it would be well to change the subject. "Besides," he added casually; "I fancy that Reed may be an entering factor."

He knew how Edward longed for a few minutes' private conversation with his sister, and playfully detaining Herbert, declaring he could not do without one at least, dismissed the orphans on their walk, bestowing his parting blessing on Ellen with a warmth that surprised her at the time, but the meaning of which was fully explained in the interesting conversation that passed between her and her brother ere they reached the house, and as the expression of approbation in the minister she loved, filled her young mind with joy, while the mutual confidence bestowed in that walk added another bright link to the chain of affection which bound the souls of that brother and sister so fondly together.

In another moment she was giving the landlord her orders with the easy confidence of one who knew herself only as an always welcome and highly privileged guest, which was not without its effect. "And," she added carelessly, "when everything is ready you will please tell Mr." "Harcourt," suggested the landlord promptly. Mrs.

Seabrook upon some important point, she had exclaimed, with a longdrawn sigh: "Oh! how I wish I could be in it, too." "I wish you could, dear," said Katherine, bending to kiss the wistful face. "Well why can't she?" she added, turning suddenly to Mrs. Seabrook; "she could have a place in the Carnival of Flowers. Will you allow her to?" Mrs.

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