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Updated: December 12, 2024

At the door of the House, as I have already said, stands a Scotch Liberal doing the work of Tory Whips, and attempting to capture young members who have smoked their pipes or drank their tea, or wandered up and down the terrace by the peaceful Thames all unconscious of the great and grim drama going forward upstairs.

THE DRAMA. The theatre is a favorite amusement, especially among the lower classes; the pieces represented are of a popular character and written in colloquial language, and generally founded on national history and tradition, or on the lives and adventures of the heroes and gods; and the scene is always laid in Japan.

"May I inquire if it is a recent photograph of the gentleman, sir?" he asked. "About six years ago," said the lieutenant, taking in this new actor in the drama with frank curiosity. "But he is very little changed." "Thank you, sir. I will endeavour to remember Mr. Creake, sir." Lieutenant Hollyer stood up as Parkinson left the room. The interview seemed to be at an end.

I said nothing about Lord Byron's criticism on Walpole, because I thought it, like most of his Lordship's criticism, below refutation. On the drama Lord Byron wrote more nonsense than on any subject. He wanted to have restored the unities. His practice proved as unsuccessful as his theory was absurd.

And so things went on pleasantly enough to all concerned in this drama till one fine day when the storm-clouds began to gather. John had been about the farm as usual till dinner time, after which he took his gun and told Jantje to saddle up his shooting pony.

The fact that in modern times drama as well as epic and romantic fiction is usually composed in prose has made some critics dissatisfied with what to them seems to be an unsatisfactory criterion.

Here are one or two of his sayings about Burns, which show in what spirit he would have read Henley’s recent utterances about that poet:— “Burns did for the old songs of Scotland almost what Shakespeare had done for the English drama that preceded him.” “Read the exquisite songs of Burns.

'Say what you will, I am convinced the man who is to awaken the drama must be a bold, trampling fellow no creeper into worm-holes no reviver even however good.

"At any rate, whether you admire it or not, the spectacle is there." "No doubt, if you choose to look at it; but why should you? It's not a good drama; it isn't up to date; it has no first-hand knowledge, nor original vision of life. It simply ignores all the important facts." "Which do you call the important facts?"

"I am sorry you dislike him," she said, regaining her composure when she saw that he too was agitated. He did not reply. She tactfully changed the subject. By the time they had circled around, back to the half open feed-sheds, he was gayly chatting with her on music and the drama.

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