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"Put it to the vote, then," said Morrice; "the two ladies have both spoke; now, then, for the gentlemen. Come, Sir," to Mr Gosport, "what say you?" "O, fetch the culprit back, by all means," answered he; "and then let us all insist upon his opening his cause, by telling us in what he has offended us; for there is no part of his business, I believe, with which we are less acquainted."

But her pleasant "Good morning, Miss Raby," was just the same as usual; and though there might be a stiffness about Miss Panton's greeting, that lady never had been cordial. But the brief encounter had left Caroline disturbed, confused, breathless as if she had been running too fast for her strength.

For in reference to the Romanists, a Popish Priest well knows that nothing more is necessary than for him to assert any absurdity, however gross or impossible, and attest it by the five crosses on his vestments, and his own superstitious vassal believes it with more assurance than his own personal identity.

"No," said Roger calmly, "I don't think you will. What's the sentence, Benny?" Without waiting for another word from anyone I read aloud as follows: "'And the captain and the chief mate tended Hayden carefully and did what they might to make his last hours comfortable." "Well," said Falk, "didn't we?" "No, by heaven, you didn't," Roger cried suddenly, taking the floor from me.

So when he speaketh of the ministers themselves, which also they had abused; in his speaking, he as it were trampleth upon them, as if they were nothing at all. Yet for all this, the ministers and their ministry are a glorious appointment of God in the world.

'Wagner was a great artist in spite of himself, said Diaz, when he had finished. 'He assigned definite and precise ideas to all those melodies. Nothing could be more futile. I shall not label them for you. But perhaps you can guess the love-motive for yourself. 'Yes, I can, I said positively. 'It is this. I tried to hum the theme, but my voice refused obedience.

"I forgot that you were not used to it. We drink it a great deal here in summer. Would you rather have some hot? I didn't fancy that you would care for it, the day is so warm; but we'll wait and have it made, if you prefer." "Oh, no. I won't delay you," said Imogen, rather grudgingly.

Fleeming believed we had only to make a virtue cheap and easy, and then all would practise it; that for an end unquestionably good men would not grudge a little trouble and a little money, though they might stumble at laborious pains and generous sacrifices. He could not believe in any resolute badness. "I cannot quite say," he wrote in his young manhood, "that I think there is no sin or misery.

Haslam was present to answer for himself; he had observed that I had sat very quietly to hear others; and he now hoped that a patient hearing would be given to me. I rose, and said I was very thankful to be there, and to have this opportunity of testifying before them all that the Lord had converted my soul! There was a little interruption here, but after a time I was permitted to go on.

Hence the indisputable fact that many a nation which but a short time ago fought valiantly for liberty now manifests not only passive resignation, but positive contentment. If, on the other hand, the psychological factors do not favour amalgamation, the legacy of resentment and opposition is handed on from generation to generation and the injury is never forgiven.

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