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The account generally received is this: Tarpeia had observed the soldiers from the walls, and her attention had been attracted by the bracelets and rings which they wore; and she finally made an agreement with the Sabines that she would open the postern gate in the night, and let them in, if they would give her what they wore upon their arms, meaning the ornaments which had attracted her attention.

I rejoined Thornduck in the study. "Sarakoff is in a kind of trance," I observed. "What do you make of it?" "Isn't it natural?" he asked. "What kind of a man was he? What motives did he work on? Just think what the killing of desire means.

The figure was so striking, that it seemed ready to start from the canvas: and I observed beneath this picture, a trophy composed of many weapons, proofs of the numerous triumphs of this hard-fighting old cavalier. Beside the weapons connected with the portraits, there were swords of all shapes, sizes, and centuries, hung round the hall; with piles of armor, placed as it were in effigy.

"To think," she said, "that by a mere accident you and Donna Sabina should meet here, the descendants of two of the oldest families of the Italian aristocracy!" "I am a republican," observed Malipieri quietly. "You!" cried the Baroness in amazement. "You, the offspring of such races as the Malipieri and the Gradenigo a republican, a socialist, an anarchist!"

Dangerfield observed this example of the thoughtfulness of her offspring with an air of doubtful surprise. Captain Baster took the cigarette-case and said with hearty jocularity: "Thank you, Error thank you. But why didn't you bring it to me, Terebus? Then you'd have earned that kiss I'm going to give you."

After we had been in the house some time, we observed to those persons who assured us we should be so ill treated, that we found the case quite the reverse; and, the answer was, wait until the time comes when, you are about to depart, and then when you are called upon to produce the plates, crockery, glasses, knives, forks, etc., you will see who you have to deal with; if there be any thing in the slightest degree chipped, they will make you pay extravagantly for damages.

Vancouver's name has grown steadily greater during the last fifty years as modern surveys have shown the wonderful detailed accuracy of his work, and the seamen of the Alaskan coast speak of him as the prince of all navigators. Not until 1878 is there another direct mention of these mountains, although the Russian name for Denali, "Bulshaia Gora," proves that it had long been observed and known.

There was a commotion behind the fretwork of the palace. Three other girls came out, and Winnie was conducted back to the zenana. All this Kathlyn observed. She bade the mahout go to the house of the zenana's doctor, where she donned the habiliments familiar to the guards and inmates of the zenana.

The exchange must have been made while the apartments were empty, but had not been observed until the torches and lights in the sconces were kindled for the ball.

I only observed that he was wrapped in a cloak but Thornton said, directly we had passed him, "I know that man well he has been following Tyrrell all day and though he attempts to screen himself, I have penetrated his disguise; he is Tyrrell's mortal enemy."

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