Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 17, 2024
Unlike many prominent members of that party, however, Phocion was pure and patriotic in his motives, and a man of the strictest integrity. It was his unquestioned probity and his peculiar disinterestedness that gave him such influence with the people. As an orator, too, he commanded attention by his striking and pithy brevity.
Going home in the phaeton just before the crack of dawn, when the first bees were humming and the fading moon glimmered in the cool dew, Benjamin knew vaguely that his father was discussing wholesale hardware. ".... And what do you think should merit our biggest attention after hammers and nails?" the elder Button was saying. "Love," replied Benjamin absent-mindedly.
The sound of the shot may have been drowned in the roar of the train not entirely smothered of course, but sufficiently blended with the other noise not to attract the attention of the half-frozen driver. And, the cab being stopped there, it must have been at that point that Mrs. Lawrence panicky over what had occurred left the taxi." "You're a dandy little ol' explainer, Carroll.
They asked me a lot of questions, but I answered none of them. "Is your captain with you?" I said. They answered that he was not, that he was on the steamer. "Then take me to him," said I. "Of course we will," said their leader, with a smile. And they took me. I was received on the steamer with much cordiality and much questioning, but to none of it did I pay any attention.
Anyone could return his balls; but, as I have said, to get a ball past him was almost an impossibility. He invariably won; the other man, after an hour or so, would get mad and try to lose. It was his only chance of dinner. It is a pretty sight, generally speaking, a tennis ground abroad. The women pay more attention to their costumes than do our lady players.
But M. Cassion was his agent, and is guilty beyond a doubt." "But, Monsieur, who made the charges? Who brought the matter to the attention of Louis?" "The Comte de Frontenac; he was your father's friend, and won him restoration of his property. Not until La Forest met him in France was he aware of the wrong done Captain la Chesnayne.
Those who believe in a Divine operation in all the details of nature, are able by very many things they see in nature to confirm themselves in favor of the Divine, as fully as others confirm themselves in favor of nature, yea, more fully. For those who confirm themselves in favor of the Divine give attention to the wonders which are displayed in the production both of plants and animals.
At first it was Brompton Park, a splendid estate, which for some time belonged to the Percevals, ancestors of the Earls of Egmont. A large part of it was cut off in 1675 to form a nursery garden, the first of its kind in England, which naturally attracted much attention, and formed a good strolling-ground for the idlers who came out from town.
"There's magic in you," he said to Avery, as she gave him his cup of tea. "I prefer to call it common sense," she answered. She turned her attention at once to Jeanie, coaxing her to drink the tea though her utmost persuasion could not induce her to eat anything. She was evidently suffering a good deal of pain, but she begged them not to trouble about her. "Please have your tea, Aunt Avery!
"Shawn," replied Caterine, as if she had not paid much attention to his words, "Shawn, dear Shawn, there is one woman who would give her life for your love." "Ah," said Shawn, "it's aisily said, at all events aisily said; but who is it Caterine?" "She is now speaking to you," she returned.
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