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With this sense of the splendour of our experience and of its awful brevity, gathering all we are into one desperate effort to see and touch, we shall hardly have time to make theories about the things we see and touch. What we have to do is to be for ever curiously testing new opinions and courting new impressions, never acquiescing in a facile orthodoxy of Comte, or of Hegel, or of our own.

There is much here that expresses the spirit of the "New Philosophy," if by that term be meant the spirit of modern science; but I cannot but marvel that the assembled wisdom and learning of Edinburgh should have uttered no sign of dissent, when Comte was declared to be the founder of these doctrines.

"Suffice it to know that I learned you had returned from Vannes, and I sent off to one of our friends, M. le Comte de la Fere, who is discretion itself, in order to ascertain it, but he answered that he was not aware of your address." "So like Athos," thought the bishop; "the really good man never changes."

"Perfectly," said Athos, taking leave of him with affability. "Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, whose nom de guerre was Athos," whispered D'Artagnan to Baisemeaux. "Yes, yes, a brave man, one of the celebrated four." "Precisely so. But, my dear Baisemeaux, shall we talk now?" "If you please." "In the first place, as for the orders there are none.

"Indeed, Sir," broke in the Comte slowly, and with a voice that seemed to be trembling with emotion, "it is to my daughter and to myself that you have just rendered a signal and generous service.

She stood a little to one side he could only just see her, as the sergeant was holding up the lanthorn for Mme. la Duchesse to see her way into the coach. M. le Comte went on to give a few directions to the coachman. "Mademoiselle Crystal!" murmured Victor softly. And he made a step forward so that now she could not move toward the carriage without brushing against him. But she made no reply.

M. de Trailles, the flower of the dandyism of that day, enjoyed a prodigious reputation." "But he is still enjoying it," put in the Comte de Born. "No one wears his clothes with a finer air, nor drives a tandem with a better grace. It is Maxime's gift; he can gamble, eat, and drink more gracefully than any man in the world. He is a judge of horses, hats, and pictures.

As we are not writing a history of literature properly speaking, we pass by her novels in silence, with this remark only, that people are accustomed to place the 'Comte de Comminges, written by Madame de Tencin, on the same footing with the 'Princess de Clêve, by Madame de Lafayette.

"That only happens in Venice," replied the comte; "my brother Elie is too young, you must be the wife of Guillaume, my second brother." "Very well; I am the comtesse Guillaume du Barry; that does famously well; we like to know whom we are married to." After this conversation, comte Jean insisted on presiding at my toilette. He acquitted himself of the task, with a most laughable attention.

Ultimately, however, she fixed upon the young Comte de Brienne; and so thoroughly did he justify her preference, that he eventually succeeded, without any appearance of undue interposition, in securing the election of three presidents, all of whom were favourable to the Court party.

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