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His parents were willing to have him stay away from home, but they expected him at least to support himself, if not to send them some money occasionally. Mrs. Stein could not decide what ought to be done, and all this new care would have been a very heavy burden to bear, if her sister had not lightened it by her sympathy and encouragement.

I remember that one who was very near and dear to me, and who lived to a great age, so that the ten-barred gate of the century did not look very far off, would sometimes apologize in a very sweet, natural way for lingering so long to be a care and perhaps a burden to her children, themselves getting well into years.

She did not say where she was going; there was no reason why she should; he would not be interested, he would not care. The day was wretched, blustering and wet; the crossing was atrocious, and they were very sick.

You may be an infidel, but you have a head, and you save me money, and you give away your own, and that's good enough for me," he wrung Charley's hand, "and I don't care who knows it sacre!" Charley did not answer him, but calmly withdrew his hand, smiled, raised his hat at the lonely cheer the saddler raised, and passed on, scarce conscious of what had happened.

"It is true, Roderick, we are all apt to resemble the Jews in their journey through the wilderness." "Yes, Mamma; and particularly people who can't trust in God, though they know He is everywhere. The Jews knew He was in the cloud and the pillar, and still were always afraid He couldn't take care of them.

As is my wont, I now committed my spirit to the care of God Almighty, leaving my body to the care of the wild tribes of these inhospitable wastes. And why not? Why distrust them? Have not the people hitherto treated me with great and unexpected kindness? And is it not the first step to make strangers your enemies, to distrust them?

Finally Mary Erskine herself, who was by this time entirely exhausted with watching, care, and sorrow, fell asleep too. Mary Erskine slept sweetly for two full hours, and then was awaked by the nestling of the baby. When Mary Erskine awoke she was astonished to find her mind perfectly calm, tranquil, and happy.

At the familiar soothing voice the poor woman a poor, wretched, forlorn woman she looked, lying there, in spite of all her grandeur turned feebly round. "Oh, Elizabeth, I'm so ill! take care of me." And she fainted away once more. It was some time before she came quite to herself, and then the first thing she said was to bid Elizabeth bolt the door and keep every body out.

That she should care for me was too preposterous an idea to be nourished, and, indeed, it was better much better that M. de Montresor had come before I, grown sanguine as lovers will, had again earned her scorn by showing her what my heart contained.

There was a slight tone of reproach in the widow's tone as she said this, but the returned brother did not seem to notice it, as he said reverently: "No one but God. You would have told me in the old days when I didn't believe it or care for it that you could not have a better or more efficient friend; and now that I do believe it, I am sure that you have found it true."

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