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Updated: August 28, 2024
But if we look at his general force of soul, his healthy robustness every way, the rugged downrightness, penetration, generous valor and manfulness that was in him, where shall we readily find a better-gifted man? Among the great men of the Eighteenth Century, I sometimes feel as if Burns might be found to resemble Mirabeau more than any other.
In three hours I had seen not only the town but its environs. The general aspect was wonderfully dull. No trees, and scarcely any vegetation. Everywhere bare rocks, signs of volcanic action. The Icelandic buts are made of earth and turf, and the walls slope inward; they rather resemble roofs placed on the ground. But then these roofs are meadows of comparative fertility.
I do not imagine, sir, they will ever exactly resemble each other; but I think myself sure they will continually approach. Indeed! Yes, sir. May be so; but I own I doubt it. Mr. Clifton is a gentleman, both by birth and education. That I own, sir, may be a great disadvantage; but Disadvantage, child! Our conversation was here interrupted, Louisa, by a letter brought me from my brother.
These people resemble the O Tahaitians, their neighbours and relatives, in appearance and language; and when the latter are farther advanced in civilization, it may be presumed that intercourse with them will effect a considerable amelioration in the condition of the other South Sea islanders.
He has made a terrible vow. He will break but not bend. The heroic twins, breathing animosity against us, when clad in mail and armed with their swords, resemble a pair of Yamas. Dhrishtadyumna and Shikhandi have drawn their swords against me. Why will those two, O best of Brahmanas, strive for my good?
Leaving the former governor and General Carlo in the cell just vacated by them, Frances and he accompanied Gabilonda to the secret room behind the corridor wall. All three parties to the introduction that followed acknowledged secretly to a surprise. Miss Carmencita had expected the friend of big, rough, homely O'Halloran to resemble him in kind, at least.
On the whole, one must say of this lay sermon that it justifies the apprehension expressed by the author in its concluding pages. It does rather "resemble the overflow of an earnest mind than an orderly and premeditated," in the sense, at any rate, of a well- considered "composition." In the month of January 1818 Coleridge once more commenced the delivery of a course of lectures in London.
It differs from most other birds frequenting the sea in the fact of its feet being but slightly webbed, and its claws being talons, like those of hawks or eagles. Otherwise, also, does it resemble these last birds, so much that the sailors, noting the resemblance, indifferently call it "sea-hawk," "man-of-war hawk," and "man-of-war eagle."
Let A to L represent the species of a genus large in its own country; these species are supposed to resemble each other in unequal degrees, as is so generally the case in nature, and as is represented in the diagram by the letters standing at unequal distances.
"If one loves a person, that is a question one is not bound to answer," said Madame de Cintre. "You should not have asked it of me, then. I am very fond of your brother." "He amuses you. But you would not like to resemble him." "I shouldn't like to resemble any one. It is hard enough work resembling one's self." "What do you mean," asked Madame de Cintre, "by resembling one's self?"
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