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Updated: January 1, 2025

The King replies to him that it cannot be yet, and that he will see; the ambiguity of the response, and the cold tone, alarm Puyguilhem; he is in favour with the ladies, and speaks the jargon of gallantry; he goes to Madame de Montespan, to whom he states his disquietude, and conjures her to put an end to it. She promises him wonders, and amuses him thus several days.

There is some sweetness in that and in teasing the stupid fellow who no doubt will own her some day." And he thought exultantly of Winnington's letter to him, and his own insolent reply. It had been a perfectly civil letter and a perfectly proper thing for a guardian to do. But for the moment "I have the whip hand and it amuses me to keep it, Now then for Blaydes!"

"I've told you why, dear. It's my little girl's birthday to-morrow." She remembered. "Her birthday. How old will she be to-morrow?" "Seven." "Seven. What does she do all day long?" "Oh, she amuses herself. We have a garden." "How she would love this garden, and the flowers, and the swing, and the chickens, and all the animals, wouldn't she?" "Yes. Yes."

No, the only really rueful part of the business was the revelation to me of what the great people can put up with, in the way of being fêted, and the extent to which they seem able to give themselves away to these pretty women. It must be enervating, I think, and even exhausting, to be so pawed and caressed; but it's natural enough, and if it amuses them, I'm not going to find fault.

"I have so few friends that I cannot bear to lose any one of them." "My folly is then my misfortune," he responded, with no appearance of diminished good humor. "It is the pleasure of the gods to torment me; I suppose it amuses them.

She entered cordially into my plans, but looked a good deal surprised when I told her it was Mr. Winthrop's suggestion. "I believe, dear, in your unselfish, impulsive way, you have taken the very wisest possible course with him. I never hoped to see this day." "I believe it amuses him. I have the impression that he is working me up into a book, only making me out more ridiculous than he ought.

Here, the house is quiet, lit up by a night-light; there, the rooms sparkle with light, and resound with the noise of music and dancing. Here they cough, there they laugh. Infusion on the one hand, punch on the other. In fact, everywhere and always, a contrast. Nice is at once the saddest and the gayest town. One dies of over-enjoyment, and one amuses one's self at the risk of dying."

He gets drunk for six days in the week whenever palm-wine is to be procured, and the seventh amuses himself by cutting off the heads of his faithful subjects and playing other vagaries. Still I have taught him to respect me, and as I have been the means of supplying his treasury, I do not doubt but that he will be ready to do what I ask him in the hopes of retaining my services.

If it amuses her, it doesn't hurt me for her to pass me on the street without a word or a look. When a thing like that has run along for years, it isn't easy to make any change." "Oh, but it is so unchristian, so wrong," returned his sister. "If you only had a loving enough feeling, Dick, it seems as if you might take her by storm." Mr. Badger smiled at some memory. "I tried once.

They were now on the road which runs along the ridge of Posillipo; at a point where it is parted only by a low wall from the westward declivity, they paused and looked towards the setting sun. "What a noise from Fuorigrotta!" murmured Spence, when he had leaned for a moment on the wall. "It always amuses me. Only in this part of the world could so small a place make such a clamour."

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