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Updated: December 4, 2024
Those were Nora's lips, so beautiful in form, color, and expression; Nora's splendid eyes, that blazed with indignation, or melted with pity, or smiled with humor; Nora's magnificent breadth of brow, spanning from temple to temple.
What had they done to have this pack of foolish people worrying over them? Were they all going to take a hand in bringing the youngsters up? Well, anyhow, she pitied them. She smiled at her thoughts as the busy scissors snipped their way round the pattern. These men were too funny. First Toby, now Sandy who next? She started and looked up, her scissors poised in the air.
No man has really hunted who has never shot quail in Alabama over a well-broken setter. All other hunting is butchery compared to the scientific sweetness of this sport. There was a good-night, martial, daring crow, ringing from the Hoss-apple tree at the dining-room window. Travis smiled and called out: "Lights waked you up, eh, Dick? You're a gay Lothario go back to sleep."
Thinking she looked really ill, Miss Goldthwaite came round to the porch after the service. "Lucy, what is it, child? your face is quite white. Do you feel well enough?" Lucy smiled a little, and slipping her hand through Miss Goldthwaite's arm, walked with her down the path. "This has been cleaning week," she said in explanation, "and I have had more to do than usual.
Many's the happy face I've seen here, and many that come again like friends, but nothing to equal what's going to be, now things are being set right." She smiled, that bounteous woman, with the joy of life and hope. "You shall have an omelet," she said, "you and your friends; such an omelet like they'll have 'em in heaven! I feel there's cooking in me these days like I've never cooked before.
I raced after the ball, which he had hit quite a long way, picked it up in my mouth, and brought it back to him. I laid it at his feet, and smiled up at him. 'Hit it again, I said. He wasn't pleased at all. He said all sorts of things and tried to kick me, and that night, when he thought I was not listening, I heard him telling his wife that I was a pest and would have to be got rid of.
I at once guessed that Eliza was doing something for Miss Sakers' stall at the bazaar, and had intended to keep it secret. I smiled. "Miss Sakers," I said, "I do not know what Eliza is making, but I am quite sure it is for you." There was a dead silence. Miss Sakers and Eliza both blushed. Then Miss Sakers said, without looking at me, "I think you are mistaken."
"If you will swear not to tell the disgraceful fact," Mrs. Frostwinch said, "I'll confess that I abhor Walt Whitman; but that one dreadful, disreputably slangy phrase of his, 'I loaf and invite my soul, echoes through my brain like an invitation to Paradise." Edith smiled. "If Arthur were here," she returned, "he would probably say that you think you mean that, but that really you don't."
"Well, be it so," was all she said. "I, at least, have deep cause to think you right. Let man be but manly and godlike, and woman is only too ready to become to him what you say!" I smiled somewhat bitterly, it is true in contemplation of my own ill-luck.
"I guess it was my fault a good deal; but if you want the truth, you haven't been much of anything up to date. Now, have you?" "Umm! Disko thinks . . . Say, what d'you reckon it's cost you to raise me from the start first, last and all over?" Cheyne smiled. "I've never kept track, but I should estimate, in dollars and cents, nearer fifty than forty thousand; maybe sixty.
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