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It came to him as it had come to Saltash that there was something piteously like a small animal, storm-driven and seeking refuge, about her. Even in her merriest moments she seemed to plead for kindness. He patted her shoulder reassuringly as he let her go. "I'll look after you," he said, "if you play the game." "What game?" said Toby unexpectedly. He looked her squarely in the eyes.

We'll go to see your uncle, Toby, and we should be very glad to do so even if we wasn't going for dinner." "Ben an' me will come 'round when it's time to go," said Toby, and then, in a hesitating way, he added, "Abner's out here he's a cripple that lives out to the poor-farm an' he never saw a circus or anything. Can't I bring him in here a minute before you open the show?"

"Aye," said Toby, "the one I has is a forty-four carbine, just like this un." "'Tis a fine rifle for any shootin'," explained Skipper Blink. "'Tis strong enough for deer or bear, if you hits un right, and 'tis fine for pa'tridges if you shoots un in the head. I finds un fine to hunt with, and 'tis not so costive as the others." "Let me see the forty-five," suggested Charley.

His devoted follower never falters in his dutiful imitation of his benefactor. Toby proves by his actions that he appreciates the advantages of the situation, and in his simple way makes some return for the pleasures he enjoys.

And having as it were made her formal protest she resumed the journey, and arrived home tired out, ready for bed; and before she had been in bed more than two minutes she was fast asleep, dreaming of motor cars and footmen standing on the pavement with fur rugs in their hands. In her dream she was alone in the cars. Even the chauffeur had no smallest resemblance to Toby.

I thought, said the curate, that you gentlemen of the army, Mr. Trim, never said your prayers at all. I heard the poor gentleman say his prayers last night, said the landlady, very devoutly, and with my own ears, or I could not have believed it. Are you sure of it? replied the curate. 'Twas well said of thee, Trim, said my Uncle Toby.

Sandy cleared his throat, and, in his sudden interest, Toby deferred the rest of his meal. "Wal, I'd ha' gone right up to the shack an' looked into things." Sandy's first effort seemed to please him, and, hitching his moleskin trousers up deliberately, he proceeded with some unction "Y'see, ther' ain't nothin' like gettin' a look around. Then you kind o' know wher' you are.

As a compliment, however, we secured him to the mainmast, with a heap of sail-cloth to sit on. He made so many extraordinary grimaces that even poor Toby, who was sitting opposite to him, in spite of his suffering, burst into a fit of laughter. Grey and I had, however, just then too much to do to laugh.

It was broad day; and the house was nearly filled with young females, fancifully decorated with flowers, who gazed upon me as I rose with faces in which childish delight and curiosity were vividly portrayed. After waking Toby, they seated themselves round us on the mats, and gave full play to that prying inquisitiveness which time out of mind has been attributed to the adorable sex.

There was never a word of reproach from Toby for not having heeded his advice, and for this Charley was grateful. Long Tom Ham was glad to have the care of Skipper Zeb's dogs during the summer. There was always enough food from the sea for them during the fishing season, and a supply of seal meat from the spring sealing to feed them in the fall, after the fishing season was ended.

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