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"Well, then," said the Captain, "why don't ye get a black? They are more docile than Indians, and the woods about are not full of their friends." "Aye," agreed the Goodman, "the plan is a good one and well thought out, but they are hard to come by. There are only a few, even in Boston." "There will soon be more, I 'm thinking," said the Captain.

"All ready!" announced Skipper Zeb, in his big hearty voice, as dawn was breaking. "I'll be goin' ahead with the heavy flatsled, and you lads takes turns haulin' the other. Toby b'y, you take the first turn at un." "Aye," agreed Toby eagerly, "I'll haul un a spell first." The route for a time followed the course of Black River.

It actually gave Mary a queer feeling in her heart, because he was so pretty and cheerful and seemed so like a person. He had a tiny plump body and a delicate beak, and slender delicate legs. "Will he always come when you call him?" she asked almost in a whisper. "Aye, that he will. I've knowed him ever since he was a fledgling.

The sun sank lower and lower, until there was only time to glance through the other papers in the chest. They were nearly all goldsmiths' bills of exchange drawn in favor of certain of the most prominent merchants of New York. Parson Jones, as he read over the names, knew of nearly all the gentlemen by hearsay. Aye, here was this gentleman; he thought that name would be among 'em. What?

He pressed a button immediately below the screen and it glowed into life to reveal a young man in the uniform of the enlisted guard. "Yes, Captain Strong?" he asked. "Call the cadets of the Polaris unit," Strong ordered. "Have them report to me here on the double!" "Aye, aye, sir."

But, though our natural enemies, he writes me that he has found them agreeable and shatty masters, full of good manners and pleasant discourse, and, except in their language, almost Christians. I aye thought Benjie was a genius, and he is beginning to show himself his father's son, being in thoughts of taking out a patent for making a hair-oil from rancid butter.

"Aye, welcome, Will Scarlet!" said Little John; and they all clasped hands again and swore to be true each to the other and to Robin Hood's men in Sherwood Forest. The friar took Robin Hood on his back, Deep water he did bestride, And spake neither good word nor bad, Till he came at the other side.

It is that of all the sincere friends of your legitimate authority; assured that no unjust consequence or effect can flow from a pure principle that no tyrannical measure can save a cause, which owes its force, aye, and its glory, to the sacred principles of liberty and equality. Let criminal jurisprudence resume its constitutional power.

Teresa waited patiently, then calmly brought this discursive lady back to the point: "Would she be so kind as go with this good youth to the friar and speak for him?" "Alack! how can I leave my shop? And what need? His door is aye open to writers, and painters, and scholars, and all such cattle.

"And me," quoth Diccon, patting my other shoulder. "I stood your friend so much as I might aye, did I!" Thus talked they, first in one ear then in the other, picturing to my imagination favours done me, real or imagined, until, to hear them, they might have been my guardian angels; while I went between them silent and mighty sullen, casting about in my mind as to what all this should portend.

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