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Updated: September 18, 2024
The voices which rang out so loud and clear upon the charging cheer that heralded the final assault in the hour of victory, that in the hour of disaster were so calm and resolute as they sternly struggled to stay the slow retreat are not silent yet.
The best client in court for the lawyer is the silent client. One of the greatest calamities from the lawyer's point of view is when the client is on the witness stand and begins to get confidential with the judge and to tell him exactly how he feels about the whole matter. "Why," said a lawyer, "I had a perfect case and then the judge asked a question and spoiled the whole thing.
Exclamations of wonder, admiration, and excitement broke from all who had been engaged in the work of excavation, and presently the whole village ran out to see the wonderful relic of a forgotten past, all chattering, all speculating, all staring, Walden alone stood silent; his head bared, his hands clasped.
While I have been doing this little bit of business other things have crossed my mind. I shall go up to town again to-morrow." "To Uncle James's?" said Tom, after a pause. "For one thing, yes. It is painful, my boy, but I feel that I ought to go." Tom was silent. He stood there feeling that his uncle was behaving differently to him.
I don't mind a mite having you borrow my rig, but I do mind having you abuse a dumb animal that hasn't any way to come back at you." Two or three of the boys in the crowd tittered, but most of them were silent. They knew that the station master was right, and they were ashamed that they had joined in the laughter.
"Ye would be late out that night," said Dan, and again we were silent till the drover spoke, and the thought came to me that he arranged all his words in his mind, and then loosed his tongue to them.
He reached his arms toward her, but she moved away, sitting silent until she regained such composure as would permit her to go on. "The first thing I remember in my life, I must have been about three, was my father's beating his head against the wall of the room in which I was sleeping because my mother had left him.
With a sharp sweep he brought down his whip across Jack's back, managing to include Bess in the stroke. Jack set up a shout of mingled pain and indignation, and stooping for a stone, hurled it after the man who had struck him. Bess's response to the assault upon her was silent, but as prompt and far more effectual.
"Madam, I can be silent no longer. I see that you have by some means come to a hearing of the story of Mr. Falkland." "I have. I am astonished you have the effrontery to pronounce his name. That name has been a denomination, as far back as my memory can reach, for the most exalted of mortals, the wisest and most generous of men." "Madam, I owe it to myself to set you right on this subject. Mr.
"Then he was silent as one indignant," says Reginald, "and I went off in some confusion," and the grand old man was left to himself and to his God. The ecclesiastical Boswell dared not mention the subject again to his hero for several years, though he came after from Durham to visit him, and celebrate mass for him in his little chapel.
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