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Updated: August 20, 2024
"Well you see, Archer there, and little Waxskin you know little Waxskin, I guess, Mister Forester and old McTavish, had gone down to shoot to Hellhole where we was yesterday, you see! well now! it was hot hot, worst kind; I tell you and I was sort o' tired out so Waxskin, in he goes into the thick, and Archer arter him, and up the old crick side thinkin, you see, that we was goin up, where you and I walked yesterday but not a bit of it; we never thought of no such thing, not we!
I do not know how it was, but I found myself holding Mary fast with both my hands as we stood side by side on the floor. 'Mary, you are terrified; for God's sake, what is the matter? I cried. 'No, Miss, said Mary, faintly, 'not much. 'I see it in your face. What is it? 'Let me sit down, Miss. I'll tell you what I saw; only I'm just a bit queerish. Mary sat down by my bed.
The travelling, though heavy enough, had not been so frightful as I had anticipated, for the lines of sandhills mostly ran east and west, and by turning about a bit we got several hollows between them to travel in. Had we been going north or south, north-easterly or south-westerly, it would have been dreadfully severe.
It happened that, by some inattention, she had, one frosty morning, neglected to soop her flags, and old Miss Peggy Dainty being early afoot, in passing her door committed a false step, by treading on a bit of a lemon's skin, and her heels flying up, down she fell on her back, at full length, with a great cloyt.
Bringing her on board and showing her round the cabin! That was really a little bit too much. Captain Anthony ought to have known better. Silly thing to do! Here was a confounded old ship-keeper set talking. He snubbed the ship-keeper, and tried to think of that insignificant bit of foolishness no more; for it diminished Captain Anthony in his eyes of a jealously devoted subordinate.
"'You won't get away from here alive without permission if I can help it, he said; 'but if you do, you won't be able to identify any one but myself. If you take it coolly there'll be no harm come to you. "I tried to bluff a bit, but he just laughed. And then I stayed with him in the same room up to within an hour or two ago, when some one came into the house and he was summoned outside the door.
Burr's out and about again." "The axidint, at the Hospital. No, indade! And how's the poor woman, hersilf? It was the blissin' of God she wasn't kilt on the spot!" "It warn't a bad bit of luck. She'll be out of hospital next week, I'm told. They're taking their time about it, anyhow! Good-night to ye, missis! The rain's holdin' off." And Uncle Mo departed.
The least noise would awake him, and if the breeze freshened up a bit he was sure to be on deck in a moment to see that all was right. He was a most invaluable hand, and worth any two other men I ever had.
"I scarcely hoped to find you at home," he said, as Patty greeted him in the drawing-room. "It isn't our day," she returned, "but I chanced to be in, and I'm glad of it. Nan, may I present Mr. Cameron?" And Nan accorded a pleasant welcome to the visitor. "You see, Mrs. Fairfield," Cameron said, "I rarely go into society and I fear my manners are a bit rusty.
I'm not worth one little bit of it." "Go tell that to the second cousin of your grandmother's great aunt," was Leila's refreshing response. "We all have good taste. Don't belittle it. Since you feel a wee bit conscience-stricken over the violet basket, you may square yourself by telling us who it was for." "I can guess," boasted Muriel. "It was for Miss Humphrey." "No." Marjorie shook her head.
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