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Updated: January 17, 2025

The light of the electric lamp glaring on his manuscript pained his eyes, and he turned it out, leaving the room in the dim light of the fire. The man-servant entered with a tray. 'Will you have the light on, sir? 'No, thanks, Smith. Just leave the things on the table. 'Thank you, sir. Good-night, sir. 'Good-night, Smith. The room was strangely, awesomely quiet.

The young man was still in the tent arranging the sleeping-bags when Sheba entered. He tried to walk out without touching her, intending to call back his good-night. But he could not do it. There was something flamey about her to-night that went to his head. Her tender, tremulous little smile and the turn of the buoyant little head stirred in him a lover's rhapsody.

"Courage shall not be wanting on my part," said the queen, "and I wish to set out immediately." The king kissed her forehead, bade her good-night, and fell asleep. At early dawn appeared in the grand court of the palace an equipage, dazzling as the sun itself; the wheels were of massy gold, with emerald nails, which sparkled in the light.

"I don't know," replied the girl. "I haven't asked." They had reached the stile into the wood. "Good-night," she said. "I'll see you through the wood," the other answered. A moment she hesitated. Should she after all go back by the field? If she did he would think she was afraid. And she was not, as she would show him. But she wished that Billy Bluff was with her.

He spoke again, after a moment, but Mr. Smith did not seem to hear at once. Mr. Smith was, indeed, not a little abstracted all the way to Benny's home, though his good-night was very cheerful at parting. Benny would have been surprised, indeed, had he known that Mr.

Ethel smiled and sighed, and Margaret whispered, "Don't grieve about me, but put your clever head to rule your hands, and you will do for home and Cocksmoor too. Good-night, dearest." "I've vexed papa," sighed Ethel and just then he came into the room. "Papa," said Margaret, "here's poor Ethel, not half recovered from her troubles."

Do you expect the millennium to begin in New York? The newspapers said that it was the most brilliant affair the metropolis had ever seen. I have no doubt it was. And I do not judge, either, by the newspaper estimates of the expense. I take the simple words addressed by the earl to Margaret, when he said good-night, at their full value. She flushed with pleasure at his modest commendation.

"What makes you growl so, Spoil-sport?" said Blanche, pulling him gently by the ears "eh, my good dog?" "Poor beast! he is always so uneasy when Dagobert is away." "It is true; one would think he knows that he then has a double charge over us." "Sister, it seems to me, Dagobert is late in coming to say good-night." "No doubt he is attending to Jovial."

He trotted back to a third appeal, and was, unfortunately for them, not caressed; he received reproaches from two forefingers directed straight at his reason. He saw it and felt it. The hug of him was deferred to the tender good-night to him in his basket at the foot of the ladies' beds.

She returned to the house and came back, this time bearing a white zephyr wrap, and handed it to Albert. "I will bid you good-night, now," she said, "for I presume you will sit here long after bed-time." Uncle Terry's eyes followed her back to the house, and then he turned to his guest.

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