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Updated: January 13, 2025
"This is the custom which prevails in our household," she proceeded, "and if you disregard it we'll have a laugh at your expense!" Having arranged everything she had in view, they at length returned to their places. Mrs. Hsueeh had come over, after her meal, so she simply seated herself on one side and sipped her tea.
I love to hear the sweet child's prattle. 'Very lucky for US! said he, glaring shrewdly between a mouthful. The Count heard the word 'Southampton, and wished to know how it was comprised. A passage of Portuguese ensued, and then the Countess said: 'Silva, you know, desired to relinquish the vessel at Southampton. 'Oh! always avoid expense, said the Hon.
The Asaf-i-dowleh made himself very obnoxious to the priests and people of the holy city by arresting a criminal within the place of refuge at Imam Riza's tomb, and by an outrageous devotion to his own pecuniary interests at the public expense.
The serious way in which she looked at Tom; the way in which Tom looked at her; and the way in which she gradually broke into a merry laugh at her own expense, would have enchanted you. 'Why, said Tom 'this is capital. It gives us a new, and quite an uncommon interest in the dinner. We put into a lottery for a beefsteak pudding, and it is impossible to say what we may get.
Their expenses were kept within the limits of seven hundred dollars, the lowest sum that had been named. At the end of the first three months, one hundred dollars were paid to the minister. When he gave up his school, he sold it out to a person who wished to succeed him, for two hundred dollars. The expense of removing to C , and living there for three months, had quite exhausted this sum. Mr.
To travel at this man's expense and live upon his provisions was not palatable to him. Still, he was obliged to eat, and so he ate. When the meal was over, he took Mr. Fogg apart, and said, "sir" this "sir" scorched his lips, and he had to control himself to avoid collaring this "gentleman" "sir, you have been very kind to give me a passage on this boat.
This was perfectly simple. There was no attempt to disguise the villany of the transaction. The massacre of so many millions of Protestants, the gigantic but puerile attempts to subjugate the Dutch republic, and to annex France, England, and the German empire to his hereditary dominions, had been attended with more expense than Philip had calculated upon.
'The doubt throws a shadow on the wish, said Miss Mattock. 'And can one picture Colonel Adister the secretary of a Laundry Institution, receiving directions from Grace and me! We should have to release him long before the six months' term, when we have resolved to incur the expense of a salaried secretary. Mrs.
But in a war with foreign countries a man may undergo hardships for years, may fight as if his life were worth nothing, and, as all the land in this country already has owners, there will be none to be given away as rewards; so we shall have to give rewards in words or money. In time the country would be put to an immense expense and the people be plunged into misery.
"You cannot know the world as I do, dear Lucilla," continued Godolphin; "for experience in its affairs is bought at some little expense, which I pray that it may never cost you. In all countries, Lucilla, an unmarried female is exposed to dangers which, without any actual fault of her own, may embitter her future life. One of the greatest of these dangers lies in deviating from custom.
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