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Updated: August 27, 2024
She prayed that that cruel hammer might descend and her child be delivered over to her at last. "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." Alas, the Roman gods are the gods of the patricians! They take so little heed of the sorrows and the trials of poor freedmen and slaves! "Who ordered the hat to be put on this girl's head?" suddenly interposed the harsh voice of the praefect.
Víraketu finding himself unable to resist the enemy, purchased peace by giving up his daughter, and Mattakâla, thinking that the marriage can be celebrated with greater magnificence in his own country, has deferred it till his return.
It is the story of Eros, the slave, who brought the speaker word that the audience was deferred, when in composing a speech that he was to make in public, 'he found himself straitened in time, to fit his words to his mouth as he had a mind to do. Is the storm overblown? I hid me under the dead moon-calf's gaberdine for fear of the storm. Tempest.
Preston was disappointed, and Godfrey still more so, to find their malice had done the widow Burke no harm. By advice of the doctor, Andy deferred paying the thirty dollars claimed as rent, availing himself of the twelve months allowed for the payment of debts due the estate of one deceased. "If it was anybody else, I'd pay at once," said Andy; "but Mrs.
Their long excursions were, however, generally deferred until after dinner, as they were then free until suppertime and even if they did not return after that hour Mrs. Vickars did not chide them unduly, being an easygoing woman, and always ready to make excuses for them.
This sally displayed such unexpected humor that Shelby laughed, and his wife seized the favoring moment to end discussion. "It's my duty to my child," she declared; "and of that, a mother is the best judge." Although the event was to be deferred till late February, as the crowning glory of the season which Lent would close, Cora's plans were on foot by Thanksgiving Day.
In the end the disposition did fail to prevent the landing of part of the force intended for Ireland, but it made the venture so difficult that it had to be deferred till mid-winter, and then the weather which rendered evasion possible broke up the expedition and denied it all chance of serious success.
For this reason Caninius deferred drawing his works round the whole town, lest he should be unable to protect them when completed, or by disposing his garrisons in several places, should make them too weak. XXXV. Drapes and Luterius, having laid in a large supply of corn, occupy a position at about ten miles distance from the town, intending from it to convey the corn into the town by degrees.
Phips had thrown away nearly all his ammunition in this futile and disastrous attack, which should have been deferred till the moment when Walley, with his land force, had gained the rear of the town. Walley lay in his camp, his men wet, shivering with cold, famished, and sickening with the small-pox.
"I had almost forgot a message I have for you, my son. Father Claude sent word last evening that he had been called suddenly south, and that some appointment you had with him must therefore be deferred until later. He said that you would understand." The old man eyed his companion narrowly through the eye slit in his helm. "'Tis passing strange," said Norman of Torn but that was his only comment.
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