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A few days later it was known that Sir Edmondsbury Godfrey, an eminent justice of the peace who had taken the depositions of Oates against Coleman, had disappeared. Search was made; and Godfrey's corpse was found in a field near London. It was clear that he had died by violence. It was equally clear that he had not been set upon by robbers. His fate is to this day a secret.

But if the present was fairly supportable, thanks to a happy accident, if no immediate danger menaced them, Godfrey could not help asking himself, if they were ever to leave this island, by what means they were to rejoin their country! Not a day passed but he thought of Uncle Will and his betrothed.

She had not been seated under it many minutes before Godfrey caught sight of her from his horse's back: knowing his mother was gone to Testbridge, he yielded to an urgent longing, took his horse to the stable, and crossed the grass to where she sat.

We say "the worst was over," though the carriage promised to be somewhat laborious. If it were not so, it was because Godfrey had had a very practical idea, which materially lightened the task; this was to make use of the current of the river, which the flood occasioned by the recent rains had rendered very rapid, to transport the wood.

Of course, he enjoyed it, and I suppose he will think he can be impudent to me again." "No doubt. I will speak to your father about it. He really shouldn't be so inconsiderate. But what is that stain on your coat, Godfrey? I should think you had been down on your back on the ground."

"One might do worse," he said, laughing, to Godfrey when they were alone. "The women are certainly a great deal better-looking than the men, and the girl would be considered fair-looking even in Russia. At any rate it would be vastly better being a Buriat here than being inside that prison at Irkutsk."

He still recoiled, therefore, from the idea of such a leveling of himself as he counted it would be to show her anything like the love of a lover. All pride is more or less mean, but one pride may be grander than another, and Godfrey was not herein proud in any grand way.

"That is perhaps because it is not in this part of the province!" answered Godfrey. "But a village?" "There's nothing here." "Where are we then?" "I know nothing about it." "What! You don't know! But Godfrey, we had better make haste and find out." "Who is to tell us?" "What will become of us then?" exclaimed Tartlet, rounding his arms and lifting them to the sky. "Become a couple of Crusoes!"

'He used to look at me like that at first, said Attley, with a visible shudder, 'but he gave it up after a bit. It's only because you're new to him. 'But, confound you! he's a ghoul I began. 'And when he gets quite well, you'll send him back to her direct with your love, and she'll give you some pretty four-tailed goldfish, said Mrs. Godfrey, rising. 'That's all settled. Car, please.

Had Captain Percy delayed to leave town, he would next day have received orders from his commanding officer to join his regiment. As to Major Gascoigne's business, it had made so little impression upon Lord Oldborough, that he had totally forgotten the poor major's name till Godfrey repeated it to him.

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