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Updated: December 8, 2024
Bill noted with satisfaction that there still remained a goodly portion of the firewood which he had cut and carried in upon his previous visit, and he soon had a fire roaring in the rusty stove. He was in no hurry. He knew that any attempt to make away with the team would be delayed until the thief believed him to be asleep, and his plans were laid to the minutest detail.
"Will you not be seated?" said the detective, as with a swift glance he took in the external attributes of his young and well-dressed visitor. "Thank you. I regret to disturb you at such a late hour, but the train I travelled by was greatly delayed by an accident.
But a few hours after despatching the letter to your father, enclosing yours a letter on business of importance, to me, at least I received information that led me to wish an entire change in the programme of operations about to be adopted, through your father's agency. Fearing that a second letter might be delayed in the mails, I deemed it wisest to come on with the greatest speed myself.
She proposed to become a lady's-maid. I saw no harm in that." "Why did she disguise herself?" "So as to pass without trouble. She didn't want to be delayed. She wanted to see her friends as soon as possible. If you had questioned her, you would no doubt have let her pass." "I would, no doubt, have done nothing of the kind." "I don't see any objection," said the priest. "Objection? She is a spy!"
The presence of all three of these persons was necessary to the formation of a quorum, and in case of the illness or unavoidable absence of any one of them the public business would have been interrupted and delayed. Mr. Robinson, moreover, was not only an Executive Councillor, but, as just mentioned, was also Commissioner of Crown Lands.
The actual end was delayed but very little longer, and it has been told by Lockhart in one of those capital passages of English literature on which it is folly to attempt to improve or even to comment, and which, a hundred times quoted, can never be stale.
He delayed lunch for him. Christophe did not return. Hours passed, and Olivier grew more and more anxious and thought: "What a lot of foolish things they will make him say!" About three o'clock Christophe came home quite lively. He had had lunch with Arsene Gamache, and his head was a little muzzy with the champagne he had drunk.
We might therefore expect to find a theory of Progress developed there, parallel to the development in France though resting on different principles. For Leibnitz, as we saw, provided in his cosmic optimism a basis for the doctrine of human Progress, and he had himself incidentally pointed to it. This development, however, was delayed.
Thereupon the two lads were promptly delivered over to the tender mercies of the Holy Office, who did with them what they would; but their ultimate fate was to be delayed until they should have been publicly exhibited and tortured in every town of importance in New Spain, as an example of what would happen should any heretic ever again dare to set foot upon their sacred territory.
De Ruyter was again delayed by the Spanish government, and did not reach the north coast of the island until the end of December, when head winds kept him from entering the Straits of Messina. He cruised between Messina and the Lipari Islands in a position to intercept the French fleet convoying troops and supplies, which was expected under Duquesne.
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