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Trains, on the elevated road at the corner, crashed by. Martie had been packing a lunch; she went slowly back to the cut loaf and the rapidly softening butter. "Happy, Teddy?" she asked, when they had found seats in the train, and were rushing over the baking stillness of the city. "Are you, Moth'?" he asked quickly. She nodded, smiling.

Brendan brought out a bottle of Pinot Blanc and poured them each a glass. "Dad," he toasted. They raised their glasses, drank, and were silent a moment. "I have something to tell you or ask you boys." Ann looked troubled. "I found your father in that small clearing in the woods, on his regular path, the walk he took most days after lunch. When he wasn't back, around four, I went to look for him.

He would thus save five cents daily and by Sunday morning would be thirty cents to the good. But each day his resolution broke down. At breakfast he would resolve to go without his lunch, at lunch he would make up his mind to go without supper, and at supper he would tell himself that now at least his determination was irrevocable he would eat no breakfast the next morning.

Mr. Crewe was a little late. Important matters, he said, had detained him at the last moment, and he particularly enjoined Mrs. Pomfret's butler to listen carefully for the telephone, and twice during lunch it was announced that Mr. Crewe was wanted.

Then we can have a long talk. I don't think I have seen you since the day you asked me to lend you my boat two years ago." "Can you spare me two hours now?" Vincent asked. "You will do me a very great favor if you will." Harry Furniss looked at his watch. "It is eleven o'clock now; we have a lot of people to lunch at half-past one, and I must be back by then."

Nina awoke, had her breakfast in bed, tubbed and dressed, and still Harriet slept on. "Miss Harriet, it's nearly noon!" The monitory voice penetrated at last; Harriet awoke, smiling. "Father's gone to the city, and Ward with him," Nina said, "and I telephoned the club and asked Mr. Blondin to lunch Granny said I might. And the papers you ought to see them!

All seemed only thankful that no lives were lost. While Job and Joe were changing their wet clothing, George and Gilbert, as quickly as possible, prepared lunch. Job, however, was very quiet during the meal, and ate almost nothing. Later, however, I could bear George and Joe in fits of laughter. Job was entertaining them with an account of his visit to the fishes.

He was usually at work with Harry, who was asked concerning him. "The last I saw of him was right after lunch, and he was going in the direction of the clay bank. As he was in the habit of going there quite frequently I paid no attention to him." "Did he have anything with him, that you noticed?" "Nothing but the bolo and the bow and arrows that he always took."

She was quite disappointed when nothing so romantic happened. It was interesting to go down to lunch in the saloon, and find the "fiddles" still on the table long racks with holes in which the dishes and plates exactly fit, so that they cannot be shaken about.

"Well, look at the lunch you silly girls were going to eat!" Mrs. "I love to walk in the rain, Mark; I used to love it when I was a girl. Tom and Sister are at our house, Mrs. Potter, playing with Duncan and Baby. I'll keep them until after school, then I'll send them over to walk home with you." "Oh, you are an angel!" said the younger mother, gratefully. And "You are an angel, Mother!"

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