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Although a day had elapsed, he found the old man still complaining of illness, which, he said, would have been more serious had he not taken medicine. "My mind, however," said he, "is what's troublin' me. There's a battle goin' on within me. At one time I'm delighted, but the delight doesn't give me pleasure long, for then, again, I feel a weight over me that's worse than death.

"I was goin' to say that I always make it a rule never to repeat anything that my children say, for I have often had fellers bore me with the smart sayin's of their children and I know that most every man thinks that his children are the brightest in the country and all that but the other night as my wife was gettin' Ab ready for bed he looked up "

To-morrow to-morrow was as much to her here as it would be to this man before her, or the man he would save at Bindon. "What do you want?" she asked, hardening her heart. "Can't you see? I want you to hide me here till to-night. There's a full moon, an' it would be as plain goin' as by day.

I think she ought to be soundly trounced, and my guess is she's goin' to be. Something tells me this New Dawn ain't goin' to save her from her come-uppance. I tell you both plain out, I ain't goin' to have a magazine under my roof that'll talk such stuff about George Washington, the Father of his Country. It's too scandalous."

They wouldn't even let her picket her ponies out in what they call the campus, which she said was just drippin' fat with rich grass, an' nary a hoof to graze it. Why, they even had fool notions about havin' certain hours about goin' to bed, an' even when you had to put your lights out.

"But I suppose every man must make a beginning." "Yes," agreed Ike, "when he's got to. But I have a lingerin' suspicion that you'd be better inside to-night. It aint goin' to be pleasant." "Oh, I'll be all right," replied Shock cheerfully. "I have a small tent, a couple of coats, a pair of blankets, and my pony has got his oats."

Don't ye worry. What ye both need is a good sleep, so I'm goin' to ask you, Miss, to take my bunk over yon in the corner. I guess ye'll find everythin' in good shape, fer my wife's a most pertic'ler woman an' has trained me right." Jean was only too glad to accept the offer. She was weary to the point of exhaustion, and her head ached.

Before the middle of August William summoned Pete to his rooms. "Oh, Pete, I'm going to move next week," he began nonchalantly. His voice sounded as if moving were a pleasurable circumstance that occurred in his life regularly once a month. "I'd like you to begin to pack up these things, please, to-morrow." The old servant's mouth fell open. "You're goin' to to what, sir?" he stammered.

Sheridan's voice shook, and so did the gesticulating hand which he extended appealingly toward the despondent figure. "Don't do it, Roscoe! Don't say it! Say you'll come down there again and be a man! This woman ain't goin' to trouble you any more.

Nestor," he said; "see that none of these youngsters gets away during my absence." "I'm goin' to get away right now," Jimmie exclaimed. "I'm goin' with Ned to the city. I guess I'm not visiting China to live in a cornfield. I want to see the wheels go round!" The officer glanced at Ned questioningly, while the little fellow made a face back. "Let him come along," Ned said.

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