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Updated: January 19, 2025
Then after a moment, "Couldn't we start soon I mean now?" "Why yes, certainly if you wish it." Without saying anything further, she went to put on her hat. Gerald Burton's notions as to the Morgue were in a sense at once confused and clear. He had known of the place ever since he could read.
A wild idea that perhaps they had discovered somehow that Stephen had escaped death in some miraculous manner flitted through her brain and out again, controlled by her strong common sense. Such notions always came to people after death had taken their loved ones frenzied hopes for miracles! Stephen had been dead for four months now. There could be no such possibility, of course.
Italy was long torn in Pieces by the Guelfes and Gibellines, and France by those who were for and against the League: But it is very unhappy for a Man to be born in such a stormy and tempestuous Season. How many honest Minds are filled with uncharitable and barbarous Notions, out of their Zeal for the Publick Good?
"And have you then really crossed the sea?" said the Lady, to whom the very idea of an element which she had never seen conveyed notions of terror and of wonder, "really left your own native land, and trodden distant shores, where the Scottish tongue is unheard and unknown?"
In weightier matters this peculiarity was equally noticeable. His clinging to preconceived notions, however unfair or burdensome they were to Britain, Prussia, or Austria, had been the underlying cause of his wars with those Powers.
There was a moment's silence, while Father Delancey speculated, and then his experienced instinct sped him to the bull's-eye. "Timothy Moran, you're not putting your foolish notions in the head of that innocent child o' God, Moira O'Donnell, are you?" The red head sank lower. "Answer me, man! Timothy arose suddenly and flung his long arms abroad in a gesture of revolt.
You comprehend that Marian wrote these letters, and that if you read them and I knew of it, your pride would force you to break off the match, because your notions as to what is befitting in a Duchess of Ormskirk are precise. But you want Marian, you want her even more than I had feared.
Do not ask them now to sink so low as the higher culture. I have my own little notions of the possible emancipation of women; but I suppose I should not be taken very seriously if I propounded them. I should favour anything that would increase the present enormous authority of women and their creative action in their own homes.
The glowing descriptions given of it by the author of 'Hochelaga' must be familiar to many of my readers. They leave nothing to be desired, except the genial glow of enthusiasm and kindliness of heart which threw a couleur de rose over everything he saw. There are some notions which must be unlearned in Canada, or temporarily laid aside.
He did not SAY he was surprised, but surprised he was; he had his own notions of good breeding. I saw he suspected I was going to take some very rash step; but repressing declamation or remonstrance, he only answered "Well, you are the best; judge of your own affairs.
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