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Updated: January 29, 2025
She deserved no consideration, he told himself sternly. It was largely through her machinations that this thing had come to pass; and a few hours' anxiety would be a small enough price to pay for her treachery. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning when Owen returned, tired out, despondent, and with no slightest scrap of news.
"It won't work; you never could do it," objected Dixon, with despondent conviction. "That big head of hair would give you dead away." "The head of hair won't be in evidence; it will be lying in my trunk, waiting to be made up into a wig after we've won." "No, no; it won't do," the Trainer reiterated; "everybody'd know you, an' there'd be a fine shindy.
In appearance Nekhludoff seemed to be indifferent, but in reality he was far from being so to Novodvoroff. These words of Novodvoroff, and his evident desire to say something unpleasant, jarred upon his kindly sentiments, and he became gloomy and despondent. "Well, how is your health?" he said, pressing Kryltzoff's cold and trembling hand.
While in this despondent mood one of his brother officers made his appearance and was greeted with a decidedly doleful "Good morning, Nick." But the other's response was more cheerful. "Job," he said, "I'm glad to see you again after your trip. I understand that the bank people honored you with a vote of thanks. That was a great thing you did in getting that pile of the bank's money."
Like himself the Arab was facing a crisis that was momentous. Two widely different cases but analogous nevertheless. While he was working out his salvation in England Said would be doing the same in his desert fastness. The thought strengthened his friendship for the despondent young Arab. He would have given much to be able to help him but his natural reserve kept him silent.
I became very sorrowful and despondent, and at one time I had almost resolved to plunge again into the whirlpool of dissipation; it was a dreadful resource, it was true, but what better could I do? "But I was not doomed to return to the dissipation of the world. One morning a young nobleman, who had for some time past shown a wish to cultivate my acquaintance, came to me in a considerable hurry.
Maroney received several calls during the day; he was very irritable, and seemed much depressed in spirits. Mrs. Maroney returned to the Astor House at dark, weary, depressed, and despondent. Green reported to Bangs that it was easy to read what she had accomplished. Maroney had a number of friends in New York, and she had been to see if they would not go on his bail-bond.
Her words echoed and re-echoed in the recesses of his soul; even her cold, distant glances were like rays of a tropical sun to which his heart could offer no resistance; and yet they were by no means enervating. Some natures would have grown despondent over prospects seemingly so hopeless, but Roger was of a different type.
"I see," said Dot, who understood her well, "an old man sitting in a chair, and leaning sorrowfully on the back, with his face resting on his hand. As if his child should comfort him, Bertha." "Yes, yes. She will. Go on." "He is an old man, worn with care and work. He is a spare, dejected, thoughtful, grey-haired man. I see him now, despondent and bowed down, and striving against nothing.
Andy had women folks to do for him. As the winter wore on, letters came from the artist sometimes gay and full of hope sometimes a little despondent. Uncle William read the letters to Andy, who commented on them according to his lights. "He don't seem to be makin' much money," he would say from time to time. The letters revealed flashes of poverty and a kind of fierce struggle.
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