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"I'll tell you what," said Dash, in a hissing whisper into Susie's ear. "Let's run back to the shore, and then they'll think he went alone." "Come on, Susie, or we shall be drenched," said Dot. "When once we've got on our shoes and stockings we can easily rush out and rescue him. Look at the white horses, and the waves against the island.

"Oh, Mel!" suddenly spoke up Dot, "you know I forgot to take Susie with me when I went away; can't I get her now?" Susie was Dot's pet doll, and the fact that she left it behind when making her visit to Uncle Jack's had a great deal more to do with her home-sickness than her friends suspected. The thought of leaving it behind again almost broke her heart.

What do you think he is going to give you as a marriage dot?" "Don't make me guess. You know I am never able to guess a riddle." "He is going to present you with his new villa at Newport." "How could he have known that I was wishing for just that one thing? O, won't it be jolly to go there and spend our honeymoon," Ethel exclaims gleefully.

And he looked as if he could have twisted Dot's neck comfortably. "Dear, dear!" said Dot. "Only to remember how we used to talk, at school, about the husbands we would choose. I don't know how young, and how handsome, and how gay, and how lively mine was not to be! And as to May's! Ah dear! I don't know whether to laugh or cry, when I think what silly girls we were."

It's about supper time and we're going to have a little feed. "I really meant every word I said. After we had finished a fried chicken or two, we started back to Morris' store. "'Say, said he, 'Haf you got the copy of dot orter I gafe you? "I said, 'Why no, Morris, I haven't a copy of it. You have one. Don't you remember that I gave you one?

You are Mr. Kling, are you not?" "Yes, dot is my name. Vot can I do for you?" "I passed by your window a short time ago, and saw your card, stating that advances were made on choice articles. Would this be of any use to you?" He took the dressing-case from under his coat and handed it to Kling.

"It is the most wonderful experience of which I have ever heard. I thought my escape from the Sauks was remarkable, and so it was, but it can't compare with yours. I never knew of the Indians being fooled in that manner; but show me where you have spent the last day or two." "It ishn't as fine as your cabin dot is home in Martinsville, but it ish de best dot I can find."

Do not try to see evil: have on your kind eyes, magnify every dot of goodness. If you have not fine carpets, luxurious chairs, fresh bouquets every morning, remember you can better appreciate a cane- seated rocker when you are tired, a well-swept floor which has a rug or two, and a single flower purchased with well-earned money.

"I dink me you vos left der Hall for goot, yah!" "Hans Mueller!" came from Sam. "Then you are going back, too? I thought you had scarlet fever?" "Not much I ain't," said the German youth. "I vos eat too much of dem puckveat cakes alretty, und dot makes mine face preak owid, put I ain't got no scarlet fefers, nein! How you vos alretty annahow?" And he shook hands as Larry had done.

Here the poor hunted creature took her stand, with her back close to the rock. Gentle and timid as she was, and unfitted by nature to fight for her life against fierce odds, it was brave indeed of the poor Kangaroo to face her enemies, prepared to do battle for the lives of little Dot and herself.

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