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Updated: August 15, 2024
"I've woven that pin in and out, first in the ribbon and then through the card, till it's as tight as if it had grown there." "Can't you take us down an alley?" asked Lloyd. "It mawtifies me dreadfully to have to go down the street looking like this." "The car-line that passes this door goes directly to the department store," answered Gay. "It's only a few blocks away, but we'll take it.
This he would remember as his strong card the last to be played. If she continued being capricious until the moment of her fiancé's expected return, he would use all his cunning and it was no inconsiderable quantity and compromise her irrevocably, and so get her to surrender upon his terms.
Nick was beginning to feel that a mistake had been made. This man's easy manner and perfect confidence were hard to square with the idea of his guilt. "By the way," said the suspect, as they descended the stairs, "I forgot to give you my card." He handed it to Nick as he spoke, and the detective read this: MR. JOHN JONES. ALLEN, MORSE & JONES, Electrical Fixtures, The "Sunlight" Lamp.
I use playing cards marked in the upper right-hand corner with braille symbols which indicate the value of the card. If there are children around, nothing pleases me so much as to frolic with them. I find even the smallest child excellent company, and I am glad to say that children usually like me. They lead me about and show me the things they are interested in.
It grieved her to see the earnestness with which he often watched Marianne, and his spirits were certainly worse than when at Barton. About a week after their arrival, it became certain that Willoughby was also arrived. His card was on the table when they came in from the morning's drive. "Good God!" cried Marianne, "he has been here while we were out."
It was in the early evening, immediately after tea, that the servant brought her Mr. Falconer's card, on which was written, "An emergency! May I see you immediately?" Susan hid the card in her dress-pocket, and went wondering and blundering down stairs and into the parlor. Mr. Falconer rose and came quickly forward.
"After this, one of the men leaped on the shoulders of the other, who was standing close to the pole, and then the woman making use of them as a ladder, sprang to the very top of the pole, on the point of which she lay in a horizontal position, when one of the men who had followed her, touching her foot, she began to spin round and round, like the card of a pocket compass on its point.
Again the troop's commander left his card, determining to remain indoors at the manor until the return visit had been paid, which would have to be done within twenty-four hours if no rudeness were intended. He was not a little astonished to find, on returning to the manor, that Count Vavel had left a card for him with the porter. Such promptness perplexed the colonel.
There was just one way to beat this game, but it was simple enough when you knew how. He sidled close to the table, making great pretense of indifference, but watching the cards closely with his keen black eyes. The dealer showed his hand, made a few quick passes, and the black card flew out to the right. This was Dave's chance.
When you're done with that man you might turn him over to me, John." "The mare's good enough," said Porter, "and I've played her myself a stiffish bit, too; but all the same, if you asked me now, I'd tell you to keep your money in your pocket. I must go," he added, his eye catching the flutter of a race card which was waving to him three seats up.
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