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During this speech Susan came into the group, and sat down by Helen's side. A few minutes later Mr. Venning strolled up from the opposite direction. He was a little flushed, and in the mood to answer hilariously whatever was said to him. "What have you been doing to that old chap's grave?" he asked, pointing to the red flag which floated from the top of the stones.

But my highest aim is to tell a straight-forward story, so I acknowledge the guess correct, so far, at least, as my Susan is concerned. I have said that the romance in her nature died hard; but it never died at all. This man, this almost stranger, was rousing it as warmth and light stir the sleeping asphodels of spring. The foolish Susan came to think of Mr.

It's my opinion, Mary, that the lost money of yours is on the back of your Susan, and the sooner you get her to confess her sin the better it will be for us all." Now, before Mrs.

Whereupon Susan, who had taken off from us our wet hoods, broke in with: "Aye, Mistress Ann, and that has ever from the days of Adam and Eve, been the best of all counsel. For life all through is but waiting for the end; and even when we have taken the last Sacrament and our eyes are dim in death then most of all must we take Patience, waiting for that we shall find beyond the grave. Here below!

You'd be a-wishing yourself home again afore you'd tried it for a day. Don't you be a fool, Susan Peckaby." "Don't you!" retorted she. "I wonder you ain't afraid o' some judgment falling on you. Lies is sure to come home to people." "Just take your thoughts back to the time as we had the shop here, and plenty o' custom in it.

Sir George is certainly married; I was myself present at the Ceremony, which you will not be surprised at when I subscribe myself your Affectionate Susan Lesley LETTER the THIRD From Miss MARGARET LESLEY to Miss C. LUTTERELL Lesley Castle February the 16th I have made my own reflections on the letter you enclosed to me, my Dear Charlotte and I will now tell you what those reflections were.

"So I did, mamma, but Susan came in to help me, though I hope to-morrow Norman will let me dress him entirely," answered Fanny, determined if possible not to speak of her brother's misconduct, and hoping by loving-kindness to overcome his evil temper. Mrs Leslie wondered how a child of her gentle daughter's could behave as Norman was doing.

"But what I mean is, he didn't do it, an' I don't think he's goin' to do it." "But, oh, Susan," faltered the girl, "you didn't leave that that awful thing with him, did you? Didn't you take it away?" "No." Susan's mouth set grimly. "An' that's what I wanted to ask you about if I did right, you know." "Oh, no, no, Susan! I'm afraid," shuddered the girl. "Can't you get it away now?" "Maybe.

And there it was, wasted, WASTED, worse than wasted on me!" Chokingly Keith turned away, but with a sudden cry Susan caught his arm. "No, no, Keith, it wasn't wasted you mustn't let it be wasted," she panted. "Listen! You want others to hear it what you heard don't you?" "Why, y-yes, Susan; but " "Then make 'em hear it," she interrupted. "You can you can!" "How?"

"It just goes this way, the journal," she said. "To-day is pleasant and warm. This morning I helped Hannah preserve cherries. In the afternoon I went over to Margaret's and sat with her on the verandah, embroidered two daisies and three leaves with stems on my centre piece, came home, had supper, sat in the twilight with Grandmother, Aunt Harriet and Aunt Susan.

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