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Now, so it is with me and Saville; I like his wit, he likes my good temper. We see each other as often as if we were in love; and yet I do not believe it even possible that he should ever kiss my hand. After all," continued Fanny, laughing, "love is not so necessary to us women as people think.

It implies solicitude to avoid wounding the feelings by pride, selfishness, or fretfulness, by suspicions, imputations, and jealousies, or by allowing insignificant things to ruffle the temper and derange the social comfort.

A blow from you would make him take your life or mine, sooner than that I should become your wife. You ought to know his temper." "You know, Ellen, I can't at heart refuse you any thing. I will not strike your brother." "You promise, before God, that no provocation will make you strike him." "That's hard, Ellen; but well, I do; before God, I won't an' it's for your sake I say it.

He was a man of uncertain temper and accurate shooting, for in the first place he would shell Ciry for a few minutes at any odd time, and in the second he knocked a gun out in three shells and registered accurately, when he pleased, upon the road that led up a precipitous hill to the edge of the Serches hollow.

That evening, some young people came in to tea, two of the four big Catherwood boys, Anne Brinsmade and her brother Jack, Puss Russell and Bert, and Eugenie Renault. But Virginia lost her temper. In an evil moment Puss Russell started the subject of the young Yankee who had deprived her of Hester.

The next instant it was as though she tore off some last shred of mental veiling and threw it aside in her reckless mounting heat of temper. "Near me!" she laughed scathingly, "For the matter of that when have you ever been near me? It's always been the same. I've known it for years. As the Yankees say, you 'wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. I'm sick of it. What did you do it for?"

He was a powerful young man, and such was his temper, and so well was it understood, that not one of the family durst venture a word of remonstrance. The father arose, went to the door, and returned. "Barny," said he, "you must content yourself where you are for this night.

Hence, if she could not have things exactly as she wanted them, Mary would now and then allow her fiery temper to obtain the mastery, and springing up in a rage and throwing a shawl over her head she would fly out of the house and be gone for days. Her mistress paid no attention to these outbursts.

His temper, his natural enmity toward the two men whom he knew to be his enemies, had leaped into control, for a moment, of his tongue and his senses, and in that moment what had it done to his place in the estimation of the woman whom he had helped on the Denver road? Yet, who was she? What connection had she with the Rodaines?

Jenny was, in fine, a "bonnie, bonnie lass," and scores of young fellows, I know, would have gone considerably out of their way to have received "ae blink o' her bonnie black e'e." Emma, although scarcely so tall, was very like her sister, only shorter in the temper.

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