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'No but if you were me you wouldn't stop here moping! said Nelly, with sudden passion. 'You'd strike out do something! 'With these hands? said Hester, raising one of them, and looking at it pitifully. 'My dear does Bridget feed you properly? 'I don't know. I never think about it. She settles it. 'Why do you let her settle it?

I have been as hurt and miserable about this as you. Let me tell you ." "Here you are. I knocked once and you didn't hear me. Hester, would you just as soon lend me your basket-ball suit? I never gave a thought of going to Exeter and I haven't any letters for my blouse." It was Renee who had interrupted them. "Yes, you may have it," said Hester. She moved away.

"Oh, miss!" she said, "the body mustn't be left a minute: there's a whole army of rats in the house already! As I was covering the table with a blanket before I put on the sheet, there got up all at once behind the wainscot the most uprageous hurry-scurry o' them horrid creaturs. They'll be in wherever it is you may take your bible-oath! Once when I was " Hester interrupted her.

"I've always liked giants best," said Mary. "But why don't you leave him?" said Jack. "I can't," said the giant. "We don't belong to ourselves. We belong to Mr. Kite. Mr. Kite is the showman." "And did you sell yourself to him like a slave?" Hester asked. The giant laughed. "Very much like a slave," he said. "You see, there's nothing else to do when you're big like me and have no money.

Hester looked along the white high road which led to Southminster. In the hot haze she could just see the two ears of the cathedral pricking up through the blue. Everything was very silent, so silent that she could hear the church clock of Slumberleigh, two miles away, strike twelve. A whole hour before luncheon!

To Hester Martin she was rapidly becoming a disquieting and sinister element in this group of people. Yet why, Hester could not really have explained. The afternoon was rapidly drawing in, and Farrell was just beginning to take out his watch, and talk of starting home, when the usual clatter of wheels and hoofs announced the arrival of the evening coach. Nelly sat up, looking very white and weary.

Quick as lightning Sally grasped the situation, and, rising to the occasion with that prompt energy which betokens true genius, she seized Hester by the nape of the neck, hurled her to the ground, and sent her oranges flying in all directions! At the same time she began to storm at her with a volubility of invective that astonished herself as well as the amused bystanders.

Hester wasted no words of reply: She had often heard him say there ought to be no interference with public justice for private ends. "Yes, papa," she answered. "I shall be ready in a moment. If I ride Hotspur I shall catch the evening train." "There is time to take the brougham." "Am I to say anything to Corney, papa?" she asked, her voice trembling over the name.

And there stood the minister, with his hand over his heart; and Hester Prynne, with the embroidered letter glimmering on her bosom; and little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between those two. They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendour, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets, and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another.

The heavy chairs and benches and settles seemed to have been part of centuries of farm-house life, and to belong to the place as much as the massive beams and doors. Hester stood in the middle of the hall and looked about her. Part of it was oak panelled and part was whitewashed. There were deep, low windows cut in the thick walls. "I never saw anything the least like it," she said.

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