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But the end was not yet. Though Dorothy had made no secret of her resignation from basket-ball activities, it took the news several days to reach the ears of the freshman class. "Too bad Dorothy's given up referee's post this year, isn't it?" was the casual remark that set the ball of reinstatement rolling. It was made to a member of the freshman team by Alice Kirby.

"Dear me," laughed Roberta, "what a keen observer you are! I am almost afraid to admit that I have no conscientiously thought-out plan but one. I am going to put myself in Ted's hands and let him personally conduct my afternoon." Blue eyes met blue eyes at that and flashed happy fire. Lucky Ted! "Oh, jolly!" exclaimed that delighted youth. "Will you play basket-ball in the attic?"

Then it will be a complete championship: football, basket-ball, and baseball. We won't do it though unless we have 'Burleigh at the bat'." A shadow crossed his face and he looked away to where a tiny film of blue smoke was rising above the rough ledges beyond the river. "I'm getting over my stage fright now," Elinor said, the pink deepening on her fair cheek, "and I'll tell you what I want."

Marjorie regarded Ruth with curiosity. This, in a nutshell, summed up Ruth's character. She could never bear to "take a back seat." "Not a bit! With basket-ball and everything, I was glad not to have to work so hard. And then I've got my canoe again, you know!" "Thanks to me!" said Ruth, proudly. "Thanks to father!" returned Marjorie, a little sharply.

The first installment of men and flowers was already beginning to arrive, giving to the Harding campus that air of festive expectancy which it wears on the rare occasions when the Harding girl's highest ambition is not to shine in her classes or star in the basket-ball game or the senior play, but only to own a "man." Tom Alison and his junior roommate arrived at the Belden soon after luncheon.

Just so long as a school must be vigilant in order to keep a few students from unfair behaviour, just so long is it prevented from meeting them all on a basis of absolute trust. Why should girls excuse themselves for classroom dishonesty? What would they think of a girl who cheated in basket-ball? Would they condone that?

"It is written, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain." Young Simpkinson wasted no further words in parley. He was an advocate of what is known as "muscular Christianity," and kept himself in trim playing on the parish basket-ball team.

A warm and early spring brought the basket-ball season to a close sooner than usual. Despite Marjorie's resolve not to play again, she took part in one more game against the freshman. The sophs won by four points, but the freshies were such a gallant five, they came in for almost an equal amount of applause. They were dear to the hearts of the sports-loving element of students.

If an indoor area sufficient for basket-ball and a room suited to club meetings can be had, the initial apparatus for winter work need not exceed a parallel bar, a vaulting-horse, and three floor mats in addition to the basket-ball equipment. This will involve an outlay of from $75 to $150.

Besides the morning exercise, every person who wishes to live a vigorous physical life should have from one to two hours of heavier exercise during the latter part of the day or evening. This exercise may take any one of many forms. It may be golf, tennis, foot-ball, base-ball, cricket, rowing, lacrosse, basket-ball, cross country running, track or gymnasium work, etc., etc.