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Updated: August 23, 2024
'I think I have caught it now, said Miss La Creevy. 'The very shade! This will be the sweetest portrait I have ever done, certainly. 'It will be your genius that makes it so, then, I am sure, replied Kate, smiling. 'No, no, I won't allow that, my dear, rejoined Miss La Creevy.
This did not prevent Olive from making up her mind that they had better go to Europe in the spring; a year's residence in that quarter of the globe would be highly agreeable to Verena, and might even contribute to the evolution of her genius.
They have not the greatness of the masters: but it is as though all the purity and nobility of the masters in their friends were raised to a yet higher spiritual power. They are the ideal companions for men of genius. Their friendship was profitable to both of them. Love lends wings to the soul.
A glow like some divine inspiration passed over the marble beauty of her classic features; her eyes themselves seemed to speak of all that glory of which she sang, as the sacred fire of genius flashed from them. At those wonderful notes, so generous and so penetrating with their sublime meaning, all on board the ship looked and listened with amazement.
He was relieved about the matter of the reason why she received an allowance from Lord Loudwater; but he was not relieved about the matter of its being halved. Seven hundred a year had been an excellent income for the wife of a struggling playwright to enjoy. It had promised him the full social life in which his genius would most rapidly develop. He had regarded that income with great pleasure.
But now he no longer smiled. His eye threatened, and his large forehead was clad with a formidable scowl. The artist, who had wished to paint the demon of craft and pride, the infernal genius of insatiable domination, could not have chosen a more suitable model. When Rodin returned, the face of his master had recovered its ordinary expression.
Similar stories are related of Edmund Kean, and the resemblance in the private characters of the two men is most striking. Lemaitre's father was an architect. There is nothing to show that the boy displayed extraordinary mimetic genius.
It was in description and meditation that Byron excelled. "Description," as he said in Don Juan, "was his forte." His manner is indeed peculiar, and is almost unequalled; rapid, sketchy, full of vigour; the selection happy, the strokes few and bold. In spite of the reverence which we feel for the genius of Mr.
It is, therefore, probably the result of a true national genius, asserting itself above temporary aberrations, that the close of the nineteenth century saw France wholly excluded, politically, from Egypt, as she had before been from India, and Great Britain involved in an expensive war, the aim of which was the preservation of the imperial system, in the interest not only of the mother country, but of the colonies as well.
Was there no meaning in them? Were they mere unaccountable delusions, deceptions of the senses, inspirations perhaps of mere genius not from God at all except in a secondary way?
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