Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 2, 2024
When we got clear of it, we found the swell heavier than when we had come, and a rough journey back to the ship was the result. But, to such boatmen as we were, that was a trifle hardly worth mentioning, and after an hour's hard pull we got alongside again, and transhipped our precious cargo.
The Prince and all his people were immeasurably glad at the happy result, and he decided that he would consider the god to be a gift to him, and that he would not let him return to Egypt.
And as Aristotle had affirmed in his Rhetoric that the character of the speaker was one of the three essential elements in persuasion, Minturno is constrained to make the moral character of the poet an indispensable quality of his poetry. Like Minturno, Scaliger insisted that poetry must teach, move, and delight. It is thus the result in action which Minturno and Scaliger emphasize.
For there was the House of Judgment, where all of the unfortunate events of that most unhappy day would be reviewed sternly, though with a certain harsh justice, that could result in nothing less than a sentence of final separation from Baldy.
As a result of it any future Dominion Government would be very brave indeed if it agreed to an arbitration affecting common Canadian and American interests where the negotiators were not of themselves.
During the greater part of that time, he had gone through all the events and revolutions of baby life under the bachelor roof of Frederick Cleveland. The result of this was, that the latter loved the child like a father.
This result is largely due to the removal of the duties formerly imposed both on the journals themselves and on their essential paper material; and it would indeed "dizzy the arithmetic of memory" should we try to enumerate the varied periodicals that are far younger than Her Majesty's happy reign.
The result of the Haelen engagement was thus described in the dispatches of August 13: "The battle centered around Haelen, in the Belgian province of Limbourg, extending to Diest, in the north of the province of Brabant, after passing round Zeelhem.
Crewe coughed, and looked at his watch once, more. "And now, having made that clear," he said, "and having only a quarter of an hour before I have to leave to keep an appointment, I am going to take up another subject. And I ask you to believe it is not done lightly, or without due consideration, but as the result of some years of thought."
The proprietors had removed one governor after another for harbouring the freebooters, but with little result. In the Bahamas, which belonged to the same proprietors, the evil was even more flagrant.
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