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I never could bear the way the Mackenzies used to have of thinking their parents must be like enemies, and keeping secrets from them." "They were always threatening each other, 'I'll tell mamma," said Flora, "and calling us tell-tales because we told our own dear mamma everything.

Meantime, do not cry, dear child; take courage, all will be well; and I will give you my free leave to console your Henry too." "Dearest, dearest mamma, how can I thank you sufficiently for all this? But why may I not now at once fly to papa, tell him all I feel and wish cordially and openly, and touch his dear kind heart?

I long for someone to be with me and love me, as Mamma can't." "Would you be willing to share everything with another person perhaps have to give them a great many things you like and now have all to yourself?" "I think I should. I'm selfish, I know, because everyone pets and spoils me, but if I loved a person dearly I'd give up anything to them. Indeed I would, Paul, pray believe me."

"Oh, Mamma, he does not like all that sugar; surely not," said she, looking up with a most sweet expression, as though to say, "I at least know his tastes." "I believed you were going without seeing us," whispered Matilda, with a very glassy look about the corner of her eyes.

Dumont's. "I received the money for him, and I was just going to pay him," said Helena, "when Miss Portman came; and that put every thing else out of my head. May I go and give him his money now, mamma?" "He can wait a few minutes," said Lady Delacour, who had listened to this story with much embarrassment and impatience.

Miss Young was kind enough to promise to help her to read German. "And you?" said Mr Enderby to Hester. "Why, no; I am rather afraid of the undertaking." "And you, Miss Grey?" "No. Mamma says, I have enough to do with my history and my music; especially while my cousins are here. I began German once, but mamma thought I was growing awry, and so I left it off.

Richard hates to vex her, and when she looks at him like that he always becomes gloomy and morose. I have known him silent for days, when they have fallen out about something. I am taking you behind the scenes, Bessie, but all our friends know that mamma and Richard do not agree.

GEORGE. "Mamma is very anxious to see the Lighthouse, and so am I. It appears to me a most wonderful building, standing as it does, surrounded by foaming waves, and in constant danger from winds and storms. Who knows anything about it?" EMMA. "I do! the Eddystone Lighthouse is built on a rock in the Channel, about fifteen miles south-south-west from the citadel of Plymouth.

Dusautoy put mamma in such a fright, that we all came here yesterday; and there came a doctor this morning, who says my spine is not straight, and that I must lie on my back for a long time; but never mind, papa, it will be very comfortable to lie still and read, and I shall not be cross now, she added reassuringly, as his grasp pressed her close, with a start of dismay.

"That kid introduced us, with some footnotes and explanations that made things plainer than a week of rhetoric. He danced around, and punched us in the back, and tried to climb John Tom's leg. 'This is John Tom, mamma, says he. 'He's a Indian. He sells medicine in a red wagon. I shot him, but he wasn't wild. The other one's Jeff. He's a fakir, too.

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