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And such a heart of course every man would like to have its love all to himself, but it may have enough to give more than once. For, as I remembered, my mother, though she loved me dearly, when another child came and yet another gave them the best she had to give; and I was none the worse when she had my youngest sister at the breast, nor was she when I was petted and kissed.

"Mary, please." "Mary. I have seen you a sickly child; I have been anxious who would not? I have seen you grow in health and strength, and every virtue." "And seen me tumble into the water and frighten you out of your senses, and there's nothing one loves like a downright pest, especially if she loves us; and I do love you, Mr. Hope, dearly, dearly, and I promise to be a pest to you all your days.

If they really cared for her at all it was because she was ornamental, a thing of beauty which it is pleasant to have within sight; and usually it was very convenient to the Countess de Mattos to be considered thus. Indeed, most of the luxuries which she loved so much more dearly than the necessities of life came through her distinct value as an ornament.

Goldthwaite's drawing-room, the bride-elect saw, peeping out from among the rich furs which Aunt Hepsy had provided for her darling, a face she loved very dearly, and which could belong to nobody in the world but Lucy Hurst. They were all together in the long drawing-room, waiting only the coming of the bride, ere the solemn ceremony could be performed.

Solmes, but to have him. Now shall she be soon better employed than of late she has been. All hands will be at work. She loves dearly to have weddings go forward! Who knows, whose turn will be next? I found in the afternoon a reply to my answer to Mr. Lovelace's letter. It is full of promises, full of vows of gratitude, of eternal gratitude, is his word, among others still more hyperbolic. Yet Mr.

"Why, no, Ma’am," said Ellen; "nobody ever taught me that." "Would you like to go over the atlas again, talking about all these matters, as well as the mere outlines of the countries you have studied before?" "Oh, yes, dearly!" exclaimed Ellen. "Well, I think we may let Margery have the tea-things. But here is Captain's cake." "Oh, may I give him his supper?" said Ellen. "Certainly.

"I will keep away from the water, mamma, although I should dearly like to paddle about." "You can take off your shoes and stockings and paddle right here on this bit of shore when you come back from your exploring trip. I can watch you then, and shall feel perfectly easy about you." "Where are the lunch baskets, mamma?" "Over there behind that tree."

These the Romans, unconquerable in spirit despite their disaster, refused. He then marched to southern Italy and established his head-quarters in the rich city of Capua, which opened its gates to him, and which he promised to make the capital of all Italy. Hannibal won no more great victories in Italy, though he was victor in many small conflicts. The Romans had paid dearly for their impatience.

My pluck has come back, and my strength. I've learned a good deal here about casting out my own devils; now I am going home and help him to cast out his. Perhaps he won't be there; perhaps he does n't want me, though when he was his very best self he loved me dearly; but that was long, long ago!" sighed Susanna, drearily. "Oh, this thing the world's people call love!" groaned Abby.

But here, where he came to cool his fiery spirit after the bitter insult he had received from the Earl of Leicester; here, where he mused and wrote, and shaped his lofty plans for a glorious future, he lives once more in our imagination, as if his spirit haunted the English Arcadia he loved so dearly.

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