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Updated: August 26, 2024

"We'll soon find him," declared Bert. "We'll help you look," spoke Tom Mason. "Come on, Harry." The three boys started to push their way back through the crowd toward the animal tent. "Now don't you three get lost," said Uncle Daniel. "We won't!" answered Bert, "but we're going to find Freddie!" "Oh, where can the darling be?" gasped Aunt Sarah, looking around at the crowd all about her.

"Well now, if you are going to scold me, I'm sure I don't want to go. I'm sure, if everybody that stays at home, and has comfortable times, Sundays, instead of going out on missions, is heartless, there are a good many heartless people in the world." "I beg your pardon, my darling. I didn't mean, dear, that you were heartless, but that what you said sounded so. I knew you didn't really mean it.

A voice saying: "Darling, darling!" got through the wheel, and he awoke, standing on his bed, with his eyes wide open. There was his mother, with her hair like Guinevere's, and, clutching her, he buried his face in it. "Oh! oh!" "It's all right, treasure. You're awake now. There! There! It's nothing!" But little Jon continued to say: "Oh! oh!"

I knew that I had ceased to be my mother's only darling, and the thought filled me with jealousy. She sat in my mother's lap constantly, where I used to sit, and seemed to take up all her care and time. One day something happened which seemed to me to be adding insult to injury. At that time I had a much-petted, much-abused doll, which I afterward named Nancy.

No woman had ever existed or ever would exist for him but his poor darling, sleeping in the Montparnasse Cemetery, whose grave he visited every Sunday with a little watering-pot concealed under his coat.

She smiled, laying her cheek on the top of his head, as she bent over him. "I never get ill, darling. Like you, I am sound in wind and limb. We are a most healthy couple." "We shall both be thirty, Helen, before we meet again. You will attain to that advanced age a month before I shall.

She pointed to the bough of a dead tree near which they stood, and on which sat the "darling pet" referred to. It was a very small monkey with white whiskers; a dumpy little thing, that looked at them with an expression of surprise quite equal in intensity to their own.

Should I succeed in reaching the Lachlan at about sixty miles west of my camp, I might be satisfied that it was this river which Captain Sturt mistook for the Darling, and then I might seek that river by crossing the range on the north.

You know papa is dead." "Yes," he answered, "know." "For three days," she went on, "I thought I should die. And then, but I am afraid it wasn't prayer, Marcos, I began to feel better, you know. Was it very wicked? Of course I had never seen him. It would have been quite different if it had been my dear, darling old Uncle Ramon or even you, Marcos." "Thank you," said Marcos.

Grasping one fair hand, he just allowed her to edge on the outer circle of his embrace, crying: "Not a syllable of what I have gone through! You shall not have to explain it, my Clara. I will study you more diligently, to be guided by you, my darling.

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