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They were both proud of him, and every tender feeling his sister had was for Philip, her pet, and her pupil in his childhood, and her most valued companion and counsellor through her early womanhood.

Naturally the angry lady's threats of treason, instead of seeming a palliation of her husband's shortcomings, tended to make his displacement more inevitable. Yet the necessity of being rid of him was unfortunate, because he was the pet hero of the Abolitionists, who stood by him without the slightest regard to reason.

If he doesn't know how to judge du Tillet he must be blind; and if he does know him, why does he pet him? You'll tell me, because his wife is fond of du Tillet. Well, I don't look for any good in a man who has no honor with respect to his wife. Besides, the present owners of that land must be fools to sell for a hundred sous what is worth a hundred francs.

"Philanthropy has certainly seized upon this family to an alarming extent," said Bessie Sandford, when she heard the story, "but I wish that I had been there to see pet Daisy at her post acting peanut-vender." How far Daisy's effort to prove to Matty that she "was not proud" affected that young cripple, could not be told; but she did not fail to hear of the thing from Jim.

The squire was still sitting with his hands on the table, his great brows bent, surveying his guests. 'Oh, of course all the sensible men are dead! he said indifferently. 'But that is a pet saying of mine the Church of England in a nutshell. Robert flushed, and after a moment's hesitation bent forward. 'What do you suppose, he asked quietly, 'your Archbishop meant, Mr. Wendover, by enthusiasm?

"In her room and fast asleep, I suppose. Although she wouldn't admit it, I know she was completely tired out. I could see that," she added slyly. Patience and Grace smiled in quick recognition of J. Elfreda Briggs' pet phrase. "How I wish 'I could see' dear old J. Elfreda. Wouldn't it be glorious if she were suddenly to appear in the flesh," sighed Emma. "She was here with Mrs.

"Isn't Randy a queer name, Nina? No name in particular is it?" "Very likely her name is Miranda, and Randy is just a cute little pet name," said Nina. "Some people might question if Polly was much of a name, when you were really named Mary, and here is Margaret whom we all call Peggy, much to her disgust." "That comes of having brothers," remarked Peggy.

"Couldn't I do that, mamma?" said Willie, very humbly, for he thought of what his mother had said about his sleeping powers. "No, my pet," she answered; and he said no more. "It seems to me," said his father, "a very clumsy necessity. I have been thinking over it.

A great number of such were in the first gospel days; against whom Peter and Jude and John pronounce the just judgment of God. 2 Pet. 2:3-8; Jude 5-8. Barren fig-tree, dost thou hear? These are beyond all mercy; these are beyond all promises; these are beyond all hopes of repentance; these have no intercessor, nor any more share in the one sacrifice for sin.

Rolleston agreed and interpreted it her own way. Bluebell drew a long rocking-chair by her side, and they fell into a pleasant little talk. Mrs. Rolleston always made a pet of this child; she was the best of step-mothers, but stood a little in awe of Cecil.

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