Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 21, 2024
"The truth in shortest about matters of importance" was enough for him; but the world in general, and especially the world of posterity, cares much for style. The vehicle is often prized more than the freight. The name of Barneveld is fast fading out of men's memory. The fame of his pupil and companion in fortune and misfortune, Hugo Grotius, is ever green.
It is the business of these observers, when the prescribed flights have been made, to send in a written report concerning them to the Club; and acting on this report, after it has been considered and shown to be in order, the Club issues to the pupil his numbered certificate. With the successful passing of his tests the pupil's tuition is at an end.
Unfortunately Miss Rowe had not discovered the right way to manage Enid; for some time matters had been rather strained, and by the summer term it was a case of undeclared war between pupil and teacher. "It doesn't matter what I say or do, Miss Rowe's always down on me!" declared Enid. "Well, you really go rather too far sometimes," said Avis.
Show how the world that one builds depends upon one's own choosing. Do people seem to realize this truth when they do not build their world as they might? If pupils fail to realize it, what can the teacher do to help them? Suppose a pupil is interested in petty things; the school must utilize his interests. How can this be done? How can he be led to larger aims?
Her eyelids seemed chiselled expressly for her long amorous looks in which the pupil disappeared, while a strong inspiration expanded her delicate nostrils and raised the fleshy corner of her lips, shaded in the light by a little black down.
It seems also as if the brain were less perfectly organised in the two extremes. Neither the negroes nor the Laps are as wise as Europeans. So if I want my pupil to be a citizen of the world I will choose him in the temperate zone, in France for example, rather than elsewhere. In the north with its barren soil men devour much food, in the fertile south they eat little.
The Queen is blameless, and nothing evil must happen to her. Quietly and cautiously, Wolsey! But I must know the truth." In a room near the "Bloody Tower," the Cardinal and More were carrying on a lively conversation. "What is happening now in Germany?" asked the Cardinal. "While Luther was in the Wartburg, his pupil Karlstadt came to Wittenberg, and turned everything upside down.
Yes; our wisdom is eternal, but our life is short: make the most of it while it lasts. Surrender thy youth to pleasure, and thy senses to delight. Soon comes the hour when the wine-cup is shattered, and the garlands shall cease to bloom. Enjoy while you may. Be still, O Apaecides, my pupil and my follower!
BOSWELL. Johnson could scarcely have known that Dunbar was an active opponent of the American war. Mackintosh, who was his pupil, writes of him: 'I shall ever be grateful to his memory for having contributed to breathe into my mind a strong spirit of liberty. Mackintosh's Life, i. 12.
The father said: "Herr Cossel, I wish my son to become your pupil; he wants so much to learn the piano. When he can play as well as you do it will be enough." Hannes was docile, eager and quick to learn. He had a wonderful memory and made rapid progress. In three years a concert was arranged for him, at which he played in chamber music with several other musicians of Hamburg.
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