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There was an eager yelping, a scratching of feet, and a string of ice-rimed wolf-dogs, with hot-lolling tongues and dripping jaws, pulled up the slope and turned into the path ahead of them. On the sled, a long and narrow box of rough-sawed spruce told the nature of the freight. Two dog-drivers, a woman walking blindly, and a black-robed priest, made up the funeral cortege.

There is one incontrovertible fact namely, that he was the first man to devise, construct, and operate from a central station a practicable, life-size electric railroad, which was capable of transporting and did transport passengers and freight at variable speeds over varying grades, and under complete control of the operator.

Tommy counted three of the clumsy ornithopters, high and motelike. There were twenty or thirty of the small, one-man craft. There were a dozen or more two-man planes. And there were at least forty giant single-wing ships which looked as if they had been made for carrying freight. They soared and circled above the city in soundless confusion.

"I'll wear the other side out," Cappy finished for him. "Listen to me, Skinner! How's the shingle market in the Southwest?" "The market is steady at three dollars and fifty cents, f.o.b. Missouri River common points." Cappy scratched his ear and cogitated. "The Unicorn will carry eighteen million shingles," he murmured. "The going water freight from Grays Harbor to San Francisco is how much?"

There was a freight congestion in Atlantic ports, due to the reluctance of American shipowners to sail their vessels without defensive armament. The President's decision was a step nearer war, for armed American vessels, on encountering German submarines, would be bound to cause hostilities, and war would be a reality. Berlin took this view.

Striking a light, he glanced quickly about him; then the match went out. "I'm in a freight car," he gasped. "But where, where?" There was no answer to this puzzling question. Phil struggled to his feet, and, groping his way to the door, began tugging at it to get it open. The door refused to budge. "Locked! It's locked on the outside! What shall I do? What shall I do?" he cried.

And hay and grain! Jo, it's simply staggering." "I admit that," she said. "But I suppose you took all that into account when you made your bid on the job." "You bet your sweet life we did, girl! And I'll tell you what we figured freight at three and a half cents a pound." "You're fortunate. I'll get that, too, if I beat the trucks." "Figurin' on gougin' us out of our profits already, eh?"

He and Bridges had not taken the trouble to acquaint themselves with the canon, but immediately upon landing had begun to stow away their freight and to lash a tarpaulin over it. "Better go up and see for yourself," the young man suggested. Lucky shook his head. "Not me," he declared. "I can hear all I want to. Listen to it! I got a long life ahead of me and I'm going to nurse it."

Or if, instead of laying the prohibition here, it be laid in South Carolina; that province, the planters there, and the merchants who deal with them, must all be involved in ruin; the province, for want of means to support the expense of government; the planters, for want of the means to pay their debts and provide future supplies; and the merchants, by not only losing those debts, but twice as much more in the freight, duties, and other charges, upon rice which they cannot sell.

I always laugh over a customer of mine in Cincinnati who always insists he must have 'a leetle adwantage. The boys on the road like Old Pap and laugh over his 'leetle adwantage. He says: 'I must haf a leetle adwantage ofer New York and Philadelphy. They ton't pay no freight.

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