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Updated: August 18, 2024
The reins were jerked from the driver's hands and fell in the road. "Mercy on us!" shrieked Debby, clutching her companion about the waist. "What " "Let go of me!" howled Bailey, pushing her violently aside. "Whoa! Stand still!" But Henry refused to stand still. The flapping paper still clung to his agitated head.
Others, including all the statesmen and political theorists who prepared Germany for this War, have refused to admire; the power of England, they have taught, is not real power; she has been crafty and lucky; she has kept herself free from the entanglements and strifes of the Continent, and has enriched herself by filching the property of the combatants.
I, therefore, refused this offer of Cosse, lest other creditors should hear of the arrangement, and force him to make a similar one with them. He was overwhelmed with a generosity so little expected, and we became more intimately connected from that day.
"Well; yes. Have you talked to Polly herself about this, old fellow?" "No, I ain't; and I don't mean." "Twice I went to her, and twice she refused me. Come, Neefit, be reasonable. A man can't be running after a girl all his life, when she won't have anything to say to him. I did all that a man could do; and upon my honour I was very fond of her.
The steward came from time to time anxious looking and pale, but Mark did not notice it. He for the most part refused the food that was brought to him, and lay back in a sort of stupor, till at last it seemed to him that the ship was not rocking about so violently.
He refused to consent to the meeting of the States, but he sent letters couched in most friendly terms to Orange and Egmont appealing to their loyalty and asking them to support the regent by their advice and influence. These demonstrations of a conciliatory temper were however mere temporising. He was playing false.
A great number of magistrates and administrators of provinces refused to believe in it, and could not be brought to comprehend that such a system had so long preyed on the body politic, under their eyes as it were, silently, and without betraying itself." See "British India in 183," by Count Edward de Warren, 2 vols. in 8vo. Paris, 1844.
John Jay stood on the front porch and made a modest speech just five minutes long, among other things saying he had come home to be a neighbor to them, having quit public life for good. But he refused to talk about his own experiences in Europe.
There is a Royalist directory which sits secretly at Paris and corresponds with the Prussian army. To frustrate it we must terrify the Royalists." The Assembly decreed death against all who directly or indirectly refused to execute or hindered the orders given by the executive power.
Have I your leave, Sir," and he turned to Castell, "to ride with you before breakfast, say, at seven of the clock, for I would show the lady, your daughter, how she should manage a horse of this blood, which is something of a trick?" "If you will," answered Castell "that is, if the weather is fine," for the offer was made so courteously that it could scarcely be refused.
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