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Updated: September 9, 2024

Amidst much that is very tedious and stupid, relative to the ceremonies observed in receiving this prince, and all his most minute movements and actions, there are curious notices of the state of England, the mode of life, manners, and agriculture at this period. Letters on the English Nation. By Baptista Angeloni, translated from the Italian. 1756. 2 vols. 8vo.

'Cheap and comely; a very agreeable edition. Saturday Review. 'A real acquisition to the library. Birmingham Post. THE COMEDIES OF WILLIAM CONGREVE. With an Introduction by G.S. STREET, and a Portrait. 2 vols. 7s. 25 copies on Japanese paper. 42s. net. 'The comedies are reprinted in a good text and on a page delightful to look upon. The pieces are rich reading. Scotsman.

LITERATURE. Works mentioned on pp. 16, 42: Pietschmann, Geschichte der Phoenizier ; Rawlinson, History of Phoenicia ; E. Meycr, Art. Phoenicia in the Encycl. Bibl.; Perrot & Chipiez, History of Art in Phoenicia and Cyprus, 2 vols.; Renan, Mission de Phenicie ; Meltzer, Geschichte der Karthager; F. W. Newman's Defense of Carthage.

"Crow, crow, You are grizzled, I know, But from Russia you come; Ah me, there lies home!" called him back to his mother country, whose true son he remained despite all he suffered at her hands, and all the delicate revenges of the artistic prodigal that he was tempted to take. WORKS: Novels, translated by Constance Garnett, 15 vols., 1894-99. 1906.

Of especial and authoritative value is the report of a select committee of the Senate to Enquire into and Examine the Methods of Business and Work in the Executive Departments, in 3 vols., known as Cockrell's Report, or Senate Report 507, 50th Cong., 1st Sess., and also a supplementary report in one volume, dated March 28, 1889.

Perhaps the best idea of the actual labour of foreign relations can be gained by consulting such compilations as Hertslet's Commercial Treaties 23 vols. 1827-1905 which are a record of work actually completed. "March ahead of the ideas of your age, and it will follow you: go with them, and you can feel at ease: remain behind them, and you are lost." Is there an Idea behind the War?

Captain James's Voyage for the Discovery of the Northwest Passage, in 1632. London, 1633. 4to. This narrative contains some remarkable physical observations on the cold and ice; but no hint of any discovery of importance. Henry Ellis's Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage, in 1746-7. London, 1748. 2 vols. 8vo.

While he counts Gibbon's Rome, I mean the Smith and Milman edition in 8 vols., blue cloth, the very model of histories, yet he revels in those books which are the material for historians, the scattered stones out of which he builds his house, such as the diaries of John Evelyn and our gossip Pepys, and that scandalous book, Grammont's Memoirs, and that most credulous but interesting of Scots annalists, Robert Wodrow.

By A.C. Fraser. Four vols. Hardly any epoch in the intellectual history of England is more remarkable in itself, or possesses a greater interest for us in these latter days, than that which coincides broadly with the conclusion of the seventeenth and the opening of the eighteenth century.

The volumes which I marked as containing matter at present important to me are Vols. 2 and 3 on the war with France and Scotland from 1559 to 1563, Vols. 138, 152, 153, 154, 155 on the disputes relating to the succession to the English Crown, and the respective claims of the Queen of Scots, Lady Catherine Grey, Lord Darnley, and Laqy Margaret Lennox. I noted the volumes only.

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