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The men were very quiet, orderly, and well-behaved, and joined in the responses in a proper manner. The prayers over, Mr. Close ascended the pulpit, and took for a text, 1 Sam. xii., 23: "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way."

The same may be said of chocolate." Playfair and Lankester: Tea contains 3 per cent. theine. Coffee " " caffeine. Cocoa " 2 " theobromine. Probably the proportion of caffeine in coffee would be more correctly stated as per cent. Dr. Johnson's analysis: Dried milk 35 \ Cocoa essence 34¾ \ Flesh formers in Cocoa-nibs 23 / each hundred parts. Best French chocolates 11 / Mr.

Suddenly, on May 23, Jackson appeared at Front Royal; on the next day he attacked Banks at Winchester, and of course defeated him; on the 25th Banks made a rapid retreat to the Potomac, and Jackson made an equally rapid pursuit to Halltown, within two miles of Harper's Ferry. The news of this startling foray threw the civilians of Washington into a genuine panic, by which Mr.

The Senate put back the clause and passed it January 23 by 40 ayes, two noes McCue and Frawley of New York and returned it to the Assembly, which passed it four days later by 128 ayes, 5 noes. The resolution had still to pass another Legislature two years later but this was the beginning of the end for which two generations of women had worked and waited.

Frazer's Magazine: "The Mud," 79; Sartor Resartus, 81. Freeman, James, minister of King's Chapel, 11, 12, 52. Free Trade, Athenaeum banquet, 220. Friendship, C.C. Emerson's essay, 22, 23, 77. Frothingham, Nathaniel L., account of Emerson's mother, 13. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks: Life of Ripley, 165; an unpublished manuscript, 365-367.

On November 23, 1407 in that black winter when the frost lasted six-and- sixty days on end a summons from the king reached Louis of Orleans at the Hotel Barbette, where he had been supping with Queen Isabel. It was seven or eight in the evening, and the inhabitants of the quarter were abed.

I commend also to the curious the Globe of April 30, 1870. From the Viscount Monck to Mr John A. Macdonald, dated London, May 24, 1867. Sir John Rose, dated Ottawa, February 23, 1870. Not the smallest reflection upon Sir Richard Cartwright's personal honour is sought to be conveyed here.

That is what He will give you, my friends; that is His treasure; that is the Spirit-life, the true and everlasting life, which flows from Him as the stream flows from the fountain-head. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance against such there is no law. GALATIANS v. 22, 23.

Tuesday, September 1. Thirtieth day of the war, and forty-fourth anniversary of the Battle of Sedan. Oppressive sultry weather, with northeasterly wind. Thermometer at five P.M. 23 degrees centigrade.

My sea journal was now much the same from day to day-something like this of June 26 and 27, for example: June 26, in the morning, it is a bit squally; later in, the day blowing a steady breeze. On the log at noon is 130 miles Subtract correction for slip 10 " 120 " Add for current 10 " 130 " Latitude by observation at noon, 10 degrees 23' S. Longitude as per mark on the chart.

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