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Further Report on Political Crisis in Russia. On November 19, in the absence of information, I sent the following letter direct to Admiral Koltchak, the Supreme Governor: OMSK, 19.11.18. 3 P.M. From Colonel Ward. To Admiral Koltchak. So far I have received no information upon the subject.

During this siege General Magruder reports that General Toombs supported Cobb's brigade, and promptly and energetically led the remainder of his command under fire, arriving just before the enemy ceased their attack, and in time to share its danger. General Magruder had only 11,000 men under him in the peninsula, and General Huger but 8000, to oppose McClellan's march with 80,000.

Saturday, 10th March, Milne Springs. At half past 11 last night it began to rain, and continued doing so nearly all day. Wind south-east. Sunday, 11th March, Milne Springs. About 10 o'clock last night we were flooded with water, although upon rising ground, and were obliged to move our camp to the top of a small hill. It rained all night and morning, but there are signs of a break in the clouds.

It is altogether a wonderful business. These anti-revolutionary States combining to revolutionise a rebellious province of an unoffending ally! November 11.

Not long ago I saw a notice or letter in the West Bulletin probably from a member of something ending like this: "... I hope the readers of the Bulletin will ponder over this suggestion of Number 29,619. Sincerely yours, No. 11, 175." I shall never forget one day I spent in New York some years ago more years than I thought at first.

Today came in 7l. 1s. 3d., to enable us to meet the necessities of tomorrow. June 8. This evening eight German Missionary brethren and sisters, whom I have been for some time expecting, arrived in Bristol, on their way to the East Indies. June 9. Again, when only 2s. 3d. was in hand for the Orphans, there came in from a considerable distance 2l. June 10 and 11.

All the afternoon among my workmen till 10 or 11 at night, and did give them drink and very merry with them, it being my luck to meet with a sort of drolling workmen on all occasions. To bed. 29th. All day at home to make an end of our dirty work of the plasterers, and indeed my kitchen is now so handsome that I did not repent of all the trouble that I have been put to, to have it done.

Because I know that many of the people of our country need the information, I am going to reprint here, as an object lesson and a warning, the whole of the Biological Survey's valuable and timely circular No. 79, issued April 11, 1911, and written by Prof. W.L. McAtee.

The treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning the Canadian International boundary, concluded April 11, 1908, authorizes the appointment of two commissioners to define and mark accurately the international boundary line between the United States and the Dominion of Canada in the waters of the Passamaquoddy Bay, and provides for the exchange of briefs within the period of six months.

This was the treaty of December 11, 1902, and it was the third reciprocal agreement in all our history ratified, proclaimed, and placed in effect. The first one was the treaty of 1854, providing for reciprocity with Canada. The second was the treaty of 1875, with the Hawaiian Islands, and the third and the only one now in effect is the treaty with Cuba.

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