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In July, 1199, Pope Innocent III issued a breve, occasioned by the report that parts of the Bible were found in French translation in the diocese of Metz. The breve praises in a general way the zeal for Bible-study, but applies to all who are not officially appointed to engage in such study the prohibition in Ex. 19, 12. 13, not to touch the holy mountain of the Law.

On October 19, two weeks hence, the directors of the road were to meet and decide whether to pay or pass the dividend. "The directors" that, as the Sun insinuated, meant none other than Norcross. Holding a majority of the L.D. and M. stock, holding the will of those directors, his creatures, he alone would decide whether to declare the dividend or to pass it.

A like planting took place on the plains, twelve miles distance north at the last marked trees, with similar good wishes for their growth. A remarkably high mount above the pass east, being a guide to the traveller advancing south from the plains, has been named 'Direction Head. The situation of this tree is as follows: Latitude, observed on the 7th and 8th of June, 1832, 32 deg. 15 min. 19 sec.

There is a treatise in Italian, 'Delle Passioni'; there are long dialogues, such as 'Le Philosophe et le Theologien', and 'Reve': 'Dieu-Moi'; there is the 'Songe d'un Quart d'Heure', divided into minutes; there is the very lengthy criticism of 'Bernardin de Saint-Pierre'; there is the 'Confutation d'une Censure indiscrate qu'on lit dans la Gazette de Iena, 19 Juin 1789'; with another large manuscript, unfortunately imperfect, first called 'L'Insulte', and then 'Placet au Public', dated 'Dux, this 2nd March, 1790, referring to the same criticism on the 'Icosameron' and the 'Fuite des Prisons.

The advertisement concluded by offering a handsome reward to any one who could give any such information as might lead to a discovery of the young lady, either to Mr. William Smith, haberdasher, , or to Mr. William Smith, No. 19, Lavender Street, Edinburgh. Here, then, was a queer business. But, bein now somewhat accustomed to thae things, I was at nae loss to discover the meanin o't.

A School suffrage bill passed the House and was defeated by only seven votes in the Senate and there was constant agitation. The State convention this year was held at San Francisco in Yosemite Hall, Native Sons' Building, October 18, 19, with a large number of delegates and an interesting program.

And here I would pause to observe, that whatever method may be adopted to reconcile the conscience to withholding money so justly due, so hardly earned, she disobeyed the positive injunction of that God who has not left the time of payment optional with ourselves, but who has said "The wages of him that is hired, shall not abide with thee all night until the morning." Lev. 19 chap. 13th verse.

I met him at a large party on Saturday also Carlyle, whom I never met at a "drum" before. . . . Pen is drawing our owl a bird that is the light of our house, for his tameness and engaging ways. . . . May 19, '66.

This view has disappeared, from ignorance, and hence the impropriety of many of the statements referring to the "Lord," when they are transferred to the "Most High," e.g. Judges i. 19.

The whole of the travelling distance between York Factory and Cumberland House is about six hundred and ninety miles. January 19, 1820. From the departure of Messrs.

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