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This view, however, is difficult to reconcile with the fact that we often know propositions in which the relation is the subject, or in which the relata are not definite given objects, but "anything." For example, we know that if one thing is before another, and the other before a third, then the first is before the third; and here the things concerned are not definite things, but "anything."

That ended the interview and Albert was set at work copying legal documents and at the same time trying to reconcile himself to his new surroundings. That night he wrote to Alice: "I have hired out to a most unmitigated old scoundrel, and yet one of the sharpest lawyers I ever met.

Couldn't you reconcile your mother, Madame Venus, to Psyche or, rather, Mrs. Dan?" "Not for a moment," replied the boy. "Not for a millionth part of a tenth of a quarter of a second by a stop-watch. Their irreconcilability was copper-fastened, and I found myself compelled to choose between them.

For, if we can not offer a man food enough to satisfy the cravings of his appetite, the next thing is to reconcile his mind to going without, or so engross his thoughts, that he shall not so keenly feel the gnawings of hunger.

"You foolish child, do you take me for a tigress?" she said playfully. "I must have another kiss to reconcile me to my new character." She bent her head to meet the caress looked by chance at a cupboard fixed in a recess in the opposite wall of the room and suddenly checked herself. "This is too selfish of me," she said, rising abruptly. "All this time I am forgetting the bridegroom.

"O, then, if you are so vague on that point I suppose I must reconcile myself to owning a bachelor brother again." He shook his head at her. "Ah, you women!" he said. "Yet I used to regard you as quite a sensible person, Mollie! Now, how in the name of goodness could I possibly entertain any notion of marrying the only daughter of a man in Forbes's position?"

"But don't you think it would be indiscreet, dear, to have such a man come here?" "Why indiscreet?" "A man who has been in prison!" and Mrs. Wrexford shuddered at the thought. She had seen and helped so many poor victims of the cruel laws, and the memory of their drawn faces and evil eyes, and coarse speech, flashed across her mind. She could not reconcile one coming into her little home.

He is trying on my behalf to reconcile her to the life she'll have to lead in India. 'She won't need much reconciling, if she's like most girls, observed Mrs. Morgan, 'but he seems to be trying very hard. That was quite the way I took it on my behalf for several days.

'Tis true, I might reasonably enough suppose these men to be real enemies to my life, men who would devour me, was it in their power, so that it was self preservation in the highest degree to free myself, by attacking them in my own defence, as lawfully as if they were actually assaulting me: though all these things, I say, seemed to me to be of the greatest weight, yet, as I just said before, the dreadful thoughts of shedding human blood, struck such a terror to my soul, that it was a long time before I could reconcile myself to it.

The first was, to restore harmony and peace among the colonists themselves; the second, to reconcile them to the jurisdiction and authority of the Proprietors; and the third, to regulate their policy and traffic with the Indian tribes. For these purposes he summoned his council for advice, and the commissions to the different deputies were read.

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