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"Didn't you send for me?" she crisped. Imagine how I felt at that! "Why, no. I I don't seem to remember " "Look here. Haven't you been calling on heaven and earth all afternoon to help you write a story?" I nodded, and then a possible explanation occurred to me and my spine got cold. Suppose this was the ghost of a stenographer applying for a job! I had had an advertisement in the paper recently.

My name is Henchard, ha'n't you replied to an advertisement for a corn-factor's manager that I put into the paper ha'n't you come here to see me about it?" "No," said the Scotchman, with some surprise. "Surely you are the man," went on Henchard insistingly, "who arranged to come and see me? Joshua, Joshua, Jipp Jopp what was his name?" "You're wrong!" said the young man.

As soon as he arrived he inserted an advertisement in the chief papers to the following effect: NOTICE: Information of any one of the names of "BRANDON," who came out in the ship Tecumseh in 1846 from Liverpool to Quebec, is earnestly desired by friends of the family. A liberal reward will be given to any one who can give the above information. Apply to: Henry Peters, 22 Place d'Armes.

Another advertisement of about the same date contained, among the books for misses, "The Masqued Wedding," "The Elopement," "The Passionate Lovers," "Sketches of the History and Importance of the Fair Sex," "Original Love Letters," and "Six Dialogues of Young Misses Relating to Matrimony;" thus showing that love-stories were not abhorred by the descendants of the Puritans.

As before, the "artful aid" of advertisement was invoked to whet the public appetite. This was open enough; but, according to Scott, Millar adopted a second expedient to assist Amelia with the booksellers.

Who, I wondered, had bought the Mazarin? Surely there was a diamond most difficult to sell. It could, of course, be cut up but that would be sacrilege! That question was answered, before long, in an unexpected way a way which filled many columns in the papers, which delighted the comedy-loving French, and which gave Crochard a unique advertisement.

Thinking, however, that it would be better for the child to have playmates of her own age, he advertised in several local papers for a good home in a comfortable farmhouse for a girl of twelve, and this advertisement was answered by Mr. R., a well-to-do farmer in the above-mentioned village. His references proving satisfactory, the gentleman sent his adopted daughter to Mr.

The play, the novel and the picture flourish on the same stem, and the very advertisement posters tell their lies artistically. Paris is the metropolis of ideas. You may catch them there and set up as a prophet on the strength of a fortnight's holiday. Maeterlinck says he learnt all he knows from a man he met in a brasserie. Fancy picking up ideas in a pothouse!

She had broken away despite the solicitude of all her children who all loved her and wanted her to stay with them. At last she had answered an advertisement for a housekeeper ... that appeared in a farm journal ... and so she had met her old cork-legged veteran, whom she now had her mind set on marrying. "But Granma, to get married at your age?"

Not much explanation, for she merely gave her the advertisement to read, and told her what she wished done with it. And Elizabeth, on her part, asked no questions, but simply listened and obeyed. After she was gone Hilary lay on the sofa, passive and motionless.

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