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Updated: August 21, 2024
The crown is a feather very similar to that of the sugar-cane; the blossom falls, and the feather becomes a head of dhurra, weighing about two pounds. Each grain is about the size of hemp-seed. I took the trouble of counting the corns contained in an average-sized head, the result being 4,848.
And also to an investigation of the power of Mediums to answer the questions contained in 'Sealed Envelopes. University of Pennsylvania, May, 1887.
With these words, the strange boy was off like an arrow from a bow. Lady Bassett, exhausted by anxiety and excitement, was glad to sit down; her trembling heart would not let her leave the place that she now began to hope contained her child. She sat down and waited patiently.
The break of day found us a tiny speck on the Indian Ocean. In the morning, after dressing, and shaving as best we could, we opened our box of food and drink. Then came the awful horror of our situation. One by one the Captain took from the box the square blue tins of canned beef which it contained. We counted fifty-two in all.
"Do you wish to depreciate the talent of the inventors?" I asked, for I had resolved to enter into the adventure. "Was it not good to have proved by experience the possibility of rising in the air?" "Ah, monsieur, who denies the glory of the first aerial navigators? It required immense courage to rise by means of those frail envelopes which only contained heated air.
It had been presented to her on her departure from Boston by a lady friend, and what it contained was a dark secret to all on board, save its owner and her uncle; she was a woman, or, at all events, the beginning of a woman, yet she kept this secret to herself a fact which you will please note. The trouble of the thing was that it was frequently being lost.
The elder prisoner was one of those persons whose conversation, like that of all who have experienced many trials, contained many useful and important hints as well as sound information; but it was never egotistical, for the unfortunate man never alluded to his own sorrows.
Great numbers of houses, of which this city then contained about thirty-six thousand, extending in length near six miles, in form of a crescent, on the ascent of a hill upon the north shore of the mouth of the river Tagus, within nine miles from the ocean, were thrown down by the repeated commotions of the earth, together with several magnificent churches, monasteries, and public buildings.
To-night I shall be beyond the reach of your retaliation; for to-night I shall be journeying to the retreat in which the short remainder of my life will be hidden from you and from all men. "It now only remains for me to advert to the two enclosures contained in this letter. "The first is addressed to Mr. Blyth.
It is easier, for example, to talk of Opus Anglicanum than to say precisely what it was, further than that it described work done in England; and for that we have the simple word English. There is nothing to show that mediæval English work contained stitches not used elsewhere. The stitches probably all come from the East. Nomenclature, then, is a snare.
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