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Updated: September 15, 2024
"Yes; what else should I mean?" "It seems a comfortable office enough," said George, "and not particularly dull; but I have not had sufficient experience in it to judge." "If this is a specimen of the clerks," thought George, "Uncle Brunton was not far wrong when he said they were not a very good set." "From what I have seen of Mr.
"I've got to make Nanna comfortable for the day, and it's a long business, for she's dreadfully particular. As a matter of fact, Rosamund and Dolly will be down before I am. They'll start everything going for breakfast. They've been very good lately, you know! Perhaps you'd like to give them a hand?" He looked at her hard. There was just the flicker of a mischievous smile on her face.
"First-class," the mate replied; "not very fast, but quiet and comfortable," and he took a cigar from an open box on the table and lighted it. "I haven't come round for a talk with you now, I have only just come ashore for the first time; but I wanted to speak to you about a young chap as came out with us.
Dempster could be so comfortable in his own mind that he never wanted to get out of it, even at the risk of being beside himself; but no doubt the dimness of its twilight had a good deal to do with his content. And then there is that in every human mind which no man's neighbour, nay, no man himself, can understand.
‘Quite right, Miss Millward!—and so do I—whatever it may be.’ ‘Well,’ observed Eliza, with a gentle sigh, ‘it’s well to have such a comfortable assurance regarding the worth of those we love. I only wish you may not find your confidence misplaced.’
They were such wholesome-looking people at the gathering, and their efforts to make the visitors who stood outside the door feel at home and comfortable were so genuine, that reserve dissolved most unaccountably. It was not long before June's mother, her prejudices against such frivolous and worldly use of a church blown away, was pigeoning around with William Bentley. Likewise Mrs.
He kept putting all his money into the mine, sending good money after bad, and let me keep house on nothing, and then was in a worse and worse temper because the mine didn't pan out and things weren't more comfortable at home. I began to wake up in the night and lie there in a cold sweat, clean scairt. I haven't told you that we were looking for an addition to the family.
Suddenly I hated him. The dogged fool, to keep his nose on the grindstone like that. What was all his courage but the very tip-top of cowardice? What a vile nature almost Sadish, proud, like the infamous Red Indians, of being able to stand torture. The landlord came to talk to me. He was fat and comfortable and too respectful.
I should not feel it a bit not a single bit; and it would be so much nicer for you." "You are mistaken," said her brother. "It is not staying at home I object to. We are not very tidy or very comfortable, perhaps, but we all belong to each other, at least. It is not that, Ursula." "What is it, then?
They wanted to see the officer, but it was absolutely impossible, although he lodged in the inn. Mr. Follenvie only was authorized to speak to him about civil matters. Then they waited. The women went up to their rooms and got busy with their trifles. Cornudet sat down and made himself comfortable in front of the high fireplace of the kitchen, in which a big fire was blazing.
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